how would you set up this closet for a grow?


Active Member
I have been toying with the idea of doing a grow in my basement for over a year, but now I think I am finally ready to put my thoughts into action. I have enclosed pictures of the closet wherein I would like to do the grow and would like your advice to what you all, as experienced growers, would do with it (and the amount of money your ideas may cost). I'd like to use a 400 watt hps light for the entire grow.

I will order ten seeds and predict 3-4 female plants will come from that.

This grow must be as stealth as is possible!




Active Member
Wow you have an outlet in there your set! Just sort this sub category by replies and look at all of the grows. Pick one you like and copy it. Make it a creative project. All the info needed to grow is one the site.


Active Member
so here's my 2 cents.

you didnt provide dimensions, but it looks like a 400 w will work in terms of good coverage.

You are going to need to deal with ventilation - (cool air in and hot air out) and odor control. So it's a little difficult to give too much advice on specifics. I was very surprised when my plants got going on the flowers on how much odor was kicking out of that room. I got a carbon filter and that took care of the problem immediately. you can get a fan/filter combo from HTG for about $180 or so.

for stealth, you have some noise issues from the fan as well, so you'll have that to deal with too.

you'll certainly want to get some mylar around the room.

there's lots to consider before you jump into it, if you've done research, i'm sure that I'm not telling you anything new. i can tell you that when you get everything working, it's a very rewarding hobby.

good luck

budget costs:

light/ballast: 2-3 hundred
Fan/filter: 180-300 depending on size
timers, misc stuff (mylar, power strips, ducting, clamps, etc.) 100
soil or hydro? costs will vary
Nutes will vary with the brand, and your type of system. I'm growing in soil and having good results with the Fox Farm trio (about $60)

There are a lot of people who get very creative and do stuff on a tight budget with great results - and there's a lot of that help in this site. In the beginning, i tried to scrimp and save and ended up replacing my rigged stuff with the "right" stuff. So it can be done very inexpensively, but you'll have to be crafty and a good DIY type of person.

Good Luck.


Active Member
Ok, like the other guy said, you never gave any dimensions, but I have a pretty good idea of how you could set it up.
You can get away without having to spend too much money here.

Lumatek ballast with a 400w MH and 400w HPS for $220 (ebay)
S&P TD100X fans for exhaust and intake ($170 for both)
Can Carbon filter ($50)
Timers (x2) ($30)
Mylar ($20)
Power Strip strong enough for about 5000 joules ($25)
4" Ducting - 25ft ($10)
x2 DWC/Bubbleponic Buckets with 6" bucket pots ($15)
DWC/Bubble essentials ($45)
10" - 12" Oscillating Fan ($20)
Fox Farm Nutes ($100)

Amazing buds and you grew them yourself... PRICELESS