How you picture a riu (tnt) poaster


As long as I follow the rules I don't see why I HAVE to read what every moderator on here writes.

You can't tell a mod when they're wrong (gasp) about something or you'll get banned.

SO I figured you could at least block them.

Guess I was wrong (gasp!)

Go ahead tell a mod their wrong they won't ban you unless you go off on them in a bad way
LoL calm down mods this is a safe area. Feelings are cherished and endorsed around here.

<3 drunk and in love on the first date
We are calm were just talking
How can I go off on you in a good way?
You know just say what's on your mind without like name calling and harassment

Not that you would do that lol
Cleveland and LeBron looked half decent tonight...I wonder if @mr sunshine just kicked a garbage can across the room just now?
Irving and LeBron scored scored 85 or something like that out of the hundred and whatever points they scored. They scored that with green out. Maths and the amount of moisture in lebrons vagina tells me that the cavs cant do that again greens defence is game wont be as easy for LeBron he's wont be scoring easily as he did tonight. They could have won if bogut didnt get hurt.. hopefully hes ok, they will still win without him, its just going to be alot tougher.