How'd you meet your dealer


Well-Known Member
Ya i've know my guy since i was 11, so almost 19 years, he was the first guy to touch my boobs or slip me the tongue lol
I get great deals lmfao but i gotta drive 60 km away.
ROTFLMAO!!!! you make that guy sound like a chester!!! some old pervert stoner gettin little girls high so he can feel em up. that's messed up.... but very funny.


Well-Known Member
I'm your dealer man,,,Can I Play the Pimp, Bitch',,,Yo Ho...Ho Fuckin' Ho...Like "FlugPhyee Little Bunnieies",,,Thank's WHO????? YA Know HO',,Mojo out...I think my dealer was,,,Merry Christmas,,,People....:bigjoint::cool::peace: "Fucking Santa Claus'",,,:hug::leaf:


Well-Known Member
friend of a friend of a friend of a friend. The trick is to get to know your dealer's dealer. Eventually you can move up the chain that way, getting your weed cheaper.


Well-Known Member
ya mon ask da rasta mon fi ganja... i just walk up to random people all the time... and I always find someone with weed on them. I can go downstairs of my building at 3 in the morning and the first dude to come will have weed on him already or real close by. I live in quebec. its marijuana heaven!

Papa Raazi

I went to the worst part of town and asked the guy who looked most sketchy. He was really nice though, he only dealt pot.
Still dont know his name but he hangs around the same place everyday.


Well-Known Member
ive met my friends alover the place almost got in a fight once over it but cuz some punks were makin fun of my cowboy hat but ended up with a good sack of dank, now i grow my own or go to either of my brothers they both sell some of the dankest smoke in my area one always has hash the other always has grade a smoke


I don't have a dealer. I grow my own.
Tym, I could hug you. I read through this whole thread and was about to post the same sentiment. Pilgram, you mentioned it too. No dealer is required when you grow your own medicine. Costs less, quality is known in advance, if it sucks you know who's ass to kick for a refund (joke, I am not into violence).