howdy all


hey whats up sorry im a very newby here and just trying to learn and my spelling is bad so all is cool if you dont understand it just please dont make fun of it


Hi All,
New member of this forum and this is my first post so bare with me please. Excited to be a part of this forum as found many informative and useful threats here. I will be active here to learn more from all and hope to be greeted. Looking for some friends here!


Hi All,
New member of this forum and this is my first post so bare with me please. Excited to be a part of this forum as found many informative and useful threats here. I will be active here to learn more from all and hope to be greeted. Looking for some friends here!
I'm new too man it's great love the site bit sketchy with it but gettin there wana upload pics but dunno how to.... We're u at. .?