

New Member
howdy yall.
Usually I join a forum and wether it be glass, prospecting, gardening ,fishing or whatever else and I never make a single post, so I never bother to introduce myself. Between knowing how to read, and understanding how to use a search engine I usually find the info I seek and go on my way without ever making a single post or reply................but yall have a glass room and that my weakness.:fire:

So about me....I'm a lampworker/pipemaker currently residing in the great state of California. Glass is both my profession and my pastime and when I'm not in my shop or someone else's, I'm at the river looking for gold or fish or working in my garden. I also try to squeeze in a round of disc golf once a week.

Have a good one RIU . thanks for all the info.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU!

Usually, it's "Happy Growing!", but in this case...

Happy Blowing! ;)



New Member
Usually, it's "Happy Growing!", but in this case...

Happy Growing works. After a ten year hiatus i'm back. I grew indoors utilizing hydroponics throughout the 90's and into the early 2000's ,but have little experience growing cannabis in soil. This a year i put a few ladies in my food garden and was really suprised at the yield from my feeble attempt. Next year I'd like to plant less plants and increase my yield. Figured I should brush upon what I know and read up on what I don't.