How's it looking? And whats going on with this bud site


Well-Known Member
I've just got this one plant, started out with 3 but got two males. My last plant is on day 23 of flowering and I noticed large brown spots on the leaves of one of the bud sites. Is this from too much fert or is it a Phosphorus deficiency like I'm thinking it looks like.



Well-Known Member
One more thing. Now that I've really looked at the marks. It almost looks like one of my cfl's might have pressed up against the plant in that area. Could this just be a burnt area caused by my cfl's?


Well-Known Member
I hope we are both right on that. The burn marks are in a very circular patten so I'm thinking thats it. Good thing too this is my first grow down to the one plant but she's starting to look really nice with lots of bud sites growing like mad and its been a real smooth grow up until I saw those burns this morning.