How's my first grow looking?


First timer grower with a small outdoor garden. The plants shown here were planted late march early april. Around daylight savings time. Any time you see my hand I'm trying to show damage to the leaves. Most of it I think is caterpillars and birds. But recently white holes have been appearing I think might be spider mites. Also my neighbor has a streetlight in his backyard. It shines through the cracks in the fence and the backyard isn't dark dark at night. The plants are in 5 gallon buckets with cheap soil and peat moss mixed. I'm using MG once a week except when it rains to much. When it rains I try to put them under a tarp, but I'm afraid I'm blocking to much light so I stopped that. Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. My dog LOVES to sunbathe in the garden so I got some shots of that too.