How's my LST lookin?


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics of my plants, i have 3 barneys farm red diesels 1 paradise nebula and 1 kanniba white domina. they are all about 2 weeks into veg. The white domina actually was prettymuch dead and didnt sprout after 10 days and i dug her up and the taproot was brown and decrepit. anyway i re planted her and waterd it and it came to life lol. Any i started the lst about 3 days ago and they are loving it. Thers a bunch of explosive growth on the side of the plant and I think im doing it pretty good. Any help or advice would be awesome thanks PS my journal is in my sig..



Well-Known Member
Thanks man its my first time tryin to train them. The awesome growth told me its working but ijust wanted a few outside opinions. Everyday they amaze me they stink already and i love it.
yea they look pretty sick, i would like to see the end results of how it turned out, i have friend who trained his and it turned out really nice. Keep it up :)


Well-Known Member
yea theyre only 2 weeks into veg i plan on veggin them for 6-8 weeks and everytime i look at them they seem twice the size. the side growth is fucking sick im gonna have like 5 colas lol. Im surprised that they stink so early because ive never had a plant stink this bad in veg.
well that just means it going to be good :) keep me posted i want to see how it turns out . i talked to my friend about it and he said he got a bunch off of it when he tamed it so you are going to have fun with it but make sure you keep the tame proper and what not cause apparently it will confuse the plant after a while iunno if its true he has been growing for years but yea i like it . its going to turn out pretty sick