How's she look?? 1st timer..


1st time growin' a decade of smokin'

Started from seed on August 4th. Vegged until October 26th on a 24/0 schedule. Been on a 12/12 for 5 days now.

Def a girl I think. I see the white hairs protruding from almosy every internode. Not much else though. They not growing or multiplying yet. This normal? How long before she kicks over and I start seeing some fruit?



looks like you need a couple more lights....def female tho
I got 6 40watt 4 foot length fl's standing up right on 3 sides. 2- 25 watt cfl's dangling down, and today I added a 70 watt HPS. I mounted it like 3-4 feet above the plant. So 360 watts total. I'm right around 18-20k lumens. Not sure what the 70watt HPS puts out though.

Should I add some more. Or wait a week and see how she reacts to the HPS bulb.


Well-Known Member
I got 6 40watt 4 foot length fl's standing up right on 3 sides. 2- 25 watt cfl's dangling down, and today I added a 70 watt HPS. I mounted it like 3-4 feet above the plant. So 360 watts total. I'm right around 18-20k lumens. Not sure what the 70watt HPS puts out though.

Should I add some more. Or wait a week and see how she reacts to the HPS bulb.
that hps will help out a ton....bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Your plant def stretched during veggin, but theres nothing you can do now. I would suggest putting any fluorescent lights, including CFLs, withing a couple inches of the plant at all times to help the flowering out. Most def a female and it will take a few weeks b4 you start to see any buds


Well-Known Member
I agree u should put ur flouros within inches of ur plant and put the 70w HPS as close to the top as u can without burning the leaves. a good way to see how close is to put the back of ur hand under the light as close as u can without hurting urself and put it that close to ur plant. i use a 400w and its like 10 inches from my plant tops


I agree u should put ur flouros within inches of ur plant and put the 70w HPS as close to the top as u can without burning the leaves. a good way to see how close is to put the back of ur hand under the light as close as u can without hurting urself and put it that close to ur plant. i use a 400w and its like 10 inches from my plant tops

Sweet, thanks for the info. I may have a problem with not being able to get it any closer. Ill have to see what I can do.

To the other reply...I let it veg for a full 2 months. I honestly thought to was kind of short at only 26-28" tall.

UPDATE: Just moved the 70 watt HPS about 6" from the top of the plant. It really didn't feel that hot at all. Was expecting it much hotter. I'm guessing cause its only 70 watt heat isn't an issue really. ill be checking on it every 30-60 mins to make sure they not burning up for a bit.


Yeah, I think I could also as far as heat goes. Its really not to hot. Although I have 4 main stalks coming up if I go to close they wont get as much light.

Maybe keeping it like 6" from the tops will cause them all to grow towards the center, hopefully.


8 days into the 12/12 cycle.

Everything still looking good as far as you all can tell??


It is a little difficult to tell from the pictures, but it looks like the leaves are sagging. Were these photos taken just before watering?