Hows she look?


Well-Known Member
She is 8days from sprouting I read they should be like 4-6" mine is only 2" should I be worried or excited I got a stout plant? Plant:Martian Mean Green. Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest and perlite. Light: 400watt lumatek digital ballast with MH in it. Temps: 73-82°(trying to cool so it won't reach 79°+). Humidity: 40% constant. I think my soil had fungus gnat eggs in it though, everytime I water the next day I see little ones around. And yes I've let it dry out...



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, yeah the curl I'm working on, and the one leaf is smaller she had one of her first leaves standing straight up and everyone said leave it it'll be fine. Yeah not so much. I'm ordering the Fox Farm Dirty Dozen ph up and down and cal mag and super thrive I think, unless I'm doubling up by getting the dirty dozen and those, I'll have to do some research