how's she looking now sugga?

Jenny miles

20151219_084102.jpg 20151219_084240.jpg 20151219_083821.jpg 20151219_084351.jpg 20151218_082212.jpg 20151219_084102.jpg 20151219_084240.jpg 20151219_083821.jpg 20151219_084351.jpg 20151218_082212.jpg How's it looking everyone?..a few weeks into flower ...she's getting sugary like a donut!!!!!! much longer you think .....good amount of red/ orange hairs......I was told it was blue dreams ....not sure.....though it smells like mangos on the matured buds on cola...........and pine needles on younger b8ds..any input thanks guys


Jenny miles

Cool....and yes I overwatered, with some added nutes....she'll pull through no worries's been a while since it happened....

Jenny miles

Smelling like mangos and oozing thc....doubt I have more than a month.....defiantly not a year .lol..but OK .....I'm happy for a first was a great learning experience for me.......should I wait for hairs to amber up before harvesting my buddies?.....and how long do I realistically have before quality is upon her....hairs seem to be getting an amber color quickly.....more and more every day.....?...70%amber hairs =harvest?


Well-Known Member
Its more about the tricombs than the hairs. Read up on tricombs and how to tell when a plants ready to harvest. Usually theres almost no white hairs though and almost all have turned red. A sign i notice that nobody else really talks about is when the top sugar leaves on the top colas start turning or curling upwards. If this is your first run start watching those tricombs at week six and you should statt to see them slowly changing color.