Hows your luck with next generation, mines not great :(

Chee Zee

I got myself 10 grapegod from next generation after hearing really good things about them, but within my pack of 10 fems ive had 2 that didnt crack, 1 has just broke through the soil and is bright yellow?!! and 2 just grew the first round leaves and then did nothing for over a week so i got rid of them... im now left with 6 out of the 10, waiting on 4 to break through the soil

Not very impressed at the moment but the one plant that made it after attempting to pop 3 is looking to have a great structure to it, tight notes and showing a true indica which is what im after :) shes 2 week old now

I havnt changed my method of germing so i know its not that.. Has anyone else had trouble with this strain or have i just been unlucky??

Long as i get the pheno im looking for il be happy so fingers crossed!!


:bigjoint:Happy Weekend Everyone :bigjoint:

Chee Zee

ok so 2 out of 10 survived :-( i dug out the seeds in the pots after a week of not showing anything and i found the seeds which i planted with nice white tails had turned brown and died.. while all my other strains (and much much cheaper to buy) worked fine..

dissapointed but atleast i have one that looks worth keeping

Chee Zee

looking good, is that the grapegod yeah?

its crazy, ive never had a problem with germing then i get 8 out of 10 snuff it. :(


Well-Known Member
If the white root turned brown, then you drowned it. You shouldn't throw out plants cuz they don't grow for a week. When a plant first starts out, most of the development is below ground, where you can't see it.

Next gen is old school good genetics

Chee Zee

i keep the soil damp but never enough to drown them, its weird seeing as my other strains grew fine. I will try next gen again because of the great reports and this one plant is looking great


hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i get the best luck using the 2 day soak method. just soak your beans overnight, tap the beans that will sink to the bottom, then plant them the next day. you might be having the same problem i had last year, trying to get your plants started in a cold room. i just bought a heating mat & humidity dome as i'm collecting gear to start a new grow and will see if i get better results this year. the guy i spoke with at the grow shop said cold CAN stunt your beans. that was my best guess as i had terrible results starting beans in mid winter when viability dropped across the board, even in packs that were at 100% just a couple months before.

try warming your gals up & see if that makes 'em happier. if you don't want to invest in a heating mat & dome, just try sprouting everything on top of your fridge or in the cupboard above it. that should be a lot warmer than a cold floor in a room you probably have the heat turned off in. i can't wait to see if my $30 investment was worth it.

Chee Zee

thanks for the help, i know temps plays a big role with germing. Ive used the same method for years, seeds go in a containter with damp paper towel, the container goes under the stairs in a warm room, soon as they pop i put them in pots and the pots go in a heated propergator...its never failed me until now :neutral:

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
some strains are more sensitive to temps than others i bet. that might be why i couldn't get any mekong haze to pop. were the seeds small? i bet that plays a part too as some of the smallest seeds i've had were sativa seeds' "mixed sativa" (not the "sativa mix" of strains i thought i was getting) which took about a couple weeks longer than everything else to sprout. i imagine that smaller seeds need more water & "energy" to pop so some heat would speed the process up. if your beans haven't turned moldy, try moving them to over your fridge.

were they old? that affects viability too.


Well-Known Member
i have a grapegod fem tht i got from pick n mix but also bought a five pack of grapefruit diesel and have only had 1/3 make it to maturity so far, i think this may just b part if the downfall of fem seeds i will b adding more nxt gen strains to my lineup but via reg seeds from now on


Well-Known Member
i have a grapegod fem tht i got from pick n mix but also bought a five pack of grapefruit diesel and have only had 1/3 make it to maturity so far, i think this may just b part if the downfall of fem seeds i will b adding more nxt gen strains to my lineup but via reg seeds from now on
i personally avoid fem seeds if at all possible. the only way id go fem is if it was literally my only option ;)