hps and solar power

They're called self-sufficient gardens or farms; I've heard of a few of them in Cali. but outdoor gardens. They install enough solar panels to run everything from the water pumps to greenhouse lighting to backup generators. Its amazing, I believe there was an article about it in Skunk or Weed World.


Yes, I happen to install solar to for advanced panels. The only problem is each panels is about 800dollars a peace + racking and labor and u will need atleast 5panels to zero out your grow lights. But it is sure worth it, I am gonna being doing that shortly


Active Member
Yes, I happen to install solar to for advanced panels. The only problem is each panels is about 800dollars a peace + racking and labor and u will need atleast 5panels to zero out your grow lights. But it is sure worth it, I am gonna being doing that shortly
cool let me know more abt it


If u say 5 will zero u out then i suggest u get an extra 2 or 3 just to be sure. Nothing worth then running out of power in the middle of the grow.


Well-Known Member
If u say 5 will zero u out then i suggest u get an extra 2 or 3 just to be sure. Nothing worth then running out of power in the middle of the grow.
Also if you have them installed right and you hook up to the grid you can actually sell electricity back to the electric company when you're making more than you are using.


Well-Known Member
yea i know but fuck the electric company
Hmm I guess you don't like the electric company. I was thinking selling electricity back if you're making extra will help offset the cost of the solar panels, even if its only a few bucks here and there.
Here's a link for a wind turbine. They are badass. http://cgi.ebay.com/Hi-Output-2KW-48V-Wind-Turbine-Generator-Wind-Turbines_W0QQitemZ360169506135QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item53dbc68557&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14


Well-Known Member
Add a *minimum* of 25% more panel wattage to what you need. (and thats for sunny summer days. Winter; add more panels.) Panels are rated at 'best conditions'.

thin-film -Amorphous panels while less efficient are more tolerant to cloudy days or shade the the multi or mono crystallines.

A magnetic ballast adds about 10% more to the bulb wattage (ie: a 400W light uses about 450W from the wall)
The PV inverters are still rather inefficient (unless you pay the big bucks)

You will need permits and inspections for a system big enough to run the room. (or any system that ties into the house's AC system) So government agencies will be poking around your place.

There are 400W wind turbines for like $500 out there. If you are in a windy area (8-20mph) you'd be WAY better off.