HPS Bulb in MV Ballast?


Well-Known Member
Ok so, a friend gives me an "outside MV lamp" for my "yard". Its a 175w Mercury Vapor Lamp with built in ballast. My question is can I buy a 175w hps bulb and use my MV ballast to run it? Any input greatly apprieciated!


Well-Known Member
Ps Ballast is built in and I've already wired the fixture. No external ballast for voltage regulation, hence my question.
It's got a helluva Veg light in it now if nothing else.


Active Member
wait, i did see a 175 w hps bulb online. never in stores tho. if ur good with electricity u could try and rig it.
haha. i tried putting a medium base hps into a regular socket. it didnt work. i then found out u need an ignitor to light up the bulb. ignitors are in hps ballasts. i dont think mv ballasts have an ignitor.


Well-Known Member
I think im gonna have me a 175w veg light. No sense in ruining a good thing. Thanx peoples.


Active Member
I have the same problem, did you ever find out anything, and what kind of veg light you using with it?