HPS, how much wattage for this??



If you were to run 12-15 plants in soil in a 4X8 tent.

HPS bulbs.

How many? 1 or 2?

How many watts?

One local shop where they have the we know it all and are Gods attitude says I need to run 2 1000 watt HPS in there.

Now if it will do an amazing job I have no problem with that route, power is not an issue.


In a 4X8 tent which is only 7 feet tall wont that burn up the plants???

Please help me figure this out!

I do plan on running Air Cooled reflectors

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Follow the guy's adivse, 1000w x2, cool tubes and extractors.

If your tent is correctly ventilated then you will have no problems.

You could even just use 600 watters too,


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree with your local grow shop. I'd put 2 1000w or 3 600w in there.

With air-cooled hoods, you can get the plants really close to the glass without burning them. I've got 4' plants in my tent inches from the glass without any heat damage from the light.


Thanks guys!

Glad to hear, its been a LONG time since I did this and just getting things figured out as I am a Legal Caregiver in MI but I am not going to start to grow till the law gets tested a little more on both sides and figured out.... Both sides of this seem to be testing the boundaries?


Well-Known Member
You can go two 400s or two 600s. I would not go with two 1000s in such a small area. You could go one 1000 I guess, but better off with 2 600s then. You will need serious air Circulation in there regardless of which way you go. Question for you. Is this area for Veg and flower? Or just flower? If its just for your flower, you could set up two trays (2x4) and have one for a group started a couple of weeks in advance. Thus always having a crop every month or so. Just and idea


Well-Known Member
Sorry didnt see the other post. If the Vets say go I would go but listen close to them!


After 3 weeks in a cloner the plants will spend their entire life inside
one tent from veg - flower.

I will have a couple tents going and that will keep me harvesting on a regular basis
as well as within the legal limits for me and my patients.

Most likely I will end up spending the extra cash to do cimate control with CO2
and do it right..... I already have an exhaust line out my roof and to out a fresh
air intake would not be a big deal but if I am already running fans, exhaust and CO2
will I really need to bring in outside air? Of course only time will tell.