HPS In Comparison To Computer(s)


Active Member
Hi, my apologies if this question has been asked before although i did not find it in the search area. To make things more simple for myself and anyone else wondering, one of my computers uses a 600W power supply and the other two use 400Watters, note also that i keep these pc's on all the time, so question here would be if i was to turn off all these computers, would that mean that i could be running one 600W HPS and another two 400Watters at the same energy cost, or maybe even less seeing how the pc's are always on but the lights go out sometimes :).

Now if i am way off, to anyone that does know how much energy it is to power a HPS in comparison to a computer(s) please help out a little.

maybe in this kinda format
250W HPS = 1 weak ass computer
400W HPS = 1 average computer
600W HPS = 1-2 decent/weak computers
1000W HPS = 1-3 super/weak computers

Thank you fellow StOnEr's for you time and replies.
A 600W computer power supply never really uses 600 watts. If the computer is on doing nothing it barely uses any power. If your gaming than it uses a lot more depending on your CPU and graphics card(s). A 600W HPS actually uses more than 600W. My 150W HPS uses 188W.


Well-Known Member
^^absolutely correct the wattage value on puter pwr supply is what it can do not what it does do, all about how many things you install hard drives dvd drives video cards usb attachments etc.

Mine is on 24/7 and barely uses any power

An average TV is a better comparrison as most small ones use 2 amps and most large ones use 4 amps (figure 100 watts an amp, (not actual but close for calculating))


Active Member
ok so what i got from your post was that a 600W HPS is like running 3-4 30" TV's?

or is a 30" considered a large TV?

mookie brown

Active Member
My 26" LG uses 250watts per hour.

sun system 250 uses 275 watts with ballast per hour
sun system 400 uses 460 watts with ballast per hour
sun system 600 uses 680 watts with ballast per hour
sun system 1000 uses 1100 watts with ballast per hour