Well-Known Member
I once saw a link to an low watt (70-90) HPS bulb that can be placed in a normal household light fixture, or lamp. Has anyone ever seen this, or have any info on where one might acquire this bulb?
no it stopped because i screwed the hps light into my regular incadecent lamp socket .actully it never startted up ...** i was told this works , soo i had to try for myself**** ... yes i know about the photocell on top of the hps fixture ,, i put a lil cardboard piece over that & electrical tape it up niclyI bought that same street light looking thing... it stopped cuz there is a little thing on the side that tells the lamp that its nighttime. When the light turns on it tricks the light and it thinks its day and turns off.... You have to cover the little sensor with ducttape to make it work...