HPS Kush Closet Grow


Active Member
They're looking real pretty! Can't wait to see the result from a 150 HPS, curious how mine will come out from it. You doing the 3 week apart staggered seed thing?


Active Member
we had a small scare because the lights didnt go on 1 day and the plants werent watered, but the plants made a recovery in like 12 hours


Well-Known Member
an underwatered plant will have a quicker comeback than ones that are overwatered. but remember though, thirsty plants are stressed plants, and evr1 knows what stress does to them. knock on wood


Well-Known Member
150 HPS = weak! u gotta go at least 400 watt son! so much more growth and yield. you are wasting your time with a 150 thats why they are so small. just my opinion


Well-Known Member
we would go to 400 watt if we had the money and the room man.150 watt does the job for our small space and small ammount of room


Well-Known Member
when i cut a fan leaf i always make sure that the new shoot has at least 2 nodes of fanleafs and they are completely open with the next shoot about to come out. i never cut the fan leaf stem all the way to the main stem from which it grows. always leave a little there to help support the new branch. doesn't matter if they are dead or not. minimize trimming after 2 weeks of flowering. have you flip the light schedule yet?


Well-Known Member
bud should be showing in about 2 weeks ☻ so r you going to leave them in the container that they are in for flowering, should be plenty.


Active Member
yeah we dont have any bigger pots. we have zero idea on yield. but so far they look good and they smell. ever so slightly kinda grape like.