hps lighting issue!!!!

i would need a tutorial on how to change the capacitor..... also when i open the ballast all the electronics are covered in some sort of black goup...dont think ill be taking it apart...and why would it work when ac was off and not when its on...something to do with input or the house wiring or something


New Member
i would need a tutorial on how to change the capacitor..... also when i open the ballast all the electronics are covered in some sort of black goup...dont think ill be taking it apart...and why would it work when ac was off and not when its on...something to do with input or the house wiring or something
is the ac and light on same circuit


New Member
this is what cap looks like couldnt find a decent vid
easy to change u just remove 2 wires one for each terminal and replace them one new cap doesnt matter which terminal they go on but dont forget what i said about discharging it before u touch it


New Member
yeah but theres no way around it...
well if it works fine without ac running i would suspected thats the ac and u will have to find a way around it like running a wire from different curcuit
you are overloading circuit and can harm components or cause fire


Well-Known Member
Or it is too much of a load for the circuit you have it on...
We have crappy wiring in our house, so before I got my big lights set up my husband went in and specially rewired everything with a slightly larger gauge wire and added a GFCI for my lights...so now I don't have to worry about them catching fire and it is more likely they will be affected by other power drain...although sometimes I still see the light dim down just a bit when the AC first kicks on...but then it picks back up and all is well...


New Member
I see that my reply was late...oh well...sorry bout that.
well he is going to have to run a heavy gauge ext cord if he cant run new wire
i think u and me are correct its not ballast its a overload
and to continue running this way is very unsafe
hey OP how far are u from a receptacle thats on another circuit thats not overloaded if u cant run new circuit
so brought my old ballast into local hydro shop...it was still flickering there... so i coughed up the cash and got a new sun system galaxy ballast...came with a 5yr warranty so i figured what the hell..... any reviews on the sun system galaxy?