HPS, MH, Floros, Phillips Cermamic Metal Halide has 'em all beat.

I read through the pdf file from phillips and they state that the arc of the tube still heats up eventually to 1000 degrees c so after full temperature has been reached all though they are cooler than a standard hps bulb they still kick of a load of heat.

There is much less heat at the tip of the bulb where the guy had his fingers than a hps but you would not want to and should not touch the bulbs after they have reached their full temperature.

Touching your bulbs at all ever can cause greasy finger spots which also help to crack bulbs and/or shorten their life.

The bulbs do have a great full spectrum though and seem to be well worth checking out.

Also of note is the disclaimer from phillips of serious skin burn and eye inflammation from short wave uv radiation and philips also state not to use these bulbs where people remain for more than a few minutes without the proper shielding.
So you would have to switch them of when you go into your grow room unless you want to end up looking like this:eyesmoke:forever:mrgreen::blsmoke:
Well IMO about the bulb causing skin burn becase of extra uv is a good thing for PLANTS.We know the stongest weed comes from places with the highest uv,so in my book thats a good thing.So you have to wear long sleves and sunglasses big deal i think the trade off is worth it.Im going to get one for my next grow,its time for a new bulb anyway.Stay Safe!!
het Nat. thanks for that review and insight. I agree with you. and there were some comments about skin lesions and stuff too, makes me think that the fatter spectral properties might well be valuable. I remain intrigued. cheers man!:blsmoke:
I read through the pdf file from phillips and they state that the arc of the tube still heats up eventually to 1000 degrees c so after full temperature has been reached all though they are cooler than a standard hps bulb they still kick of a load of heat.

There is much less heat at the tip of the bulb where the guy had his fingers than a hps but you would not want to and should not touch the bulbs after they have reached their full temperature.

Touching your bulbs at all ever can cause greasy finger spots which also help to crack bulbs and/or shorten their life.

The bulbs do have a great full spectrum though and seem to be well worth checking out.

Also of note is the disclaimer from phillips of serious skin burn and eye inflammation from short wave uv radiation and philips also state not to use these bulbs where people remain for more than a few minutes without the proper shielding.
So you would have to switch them of when you go into your grow room unless you want to end up looking like this:eyesmoke:forever:mrgreen::blsmoke:
A kick-ass, detailed grow journal of your own showing real results using nothing but ceramic metal halide lights from start to finish will shut everyone up. Anything else (white papers, spectrum graphs, etc..) is a sales pitch.

Want to see "detailed" grow reports? Venture outside of Rollitup and check any REPUTABLE forum that has more the a few people with high post counts that think they know everything... IC mag, hg420 and so on. CMH lighting is being talked about everywhere. It's time to let go of your security blankie and venture outside of just this forum for your information. I've seen the posts here, there are some that know what they are doing but it's more then obvious that most threads are "controlled" by the same people over and over again, answering newbie questions the same way every time........

Funny, I get PM's from people asking me about where they can get the bulbs, or telling me that they hear about it on other forums they are on...... but just like most threads here, there are the same "high post count" people that wouldn't dare think for a second that they themselves didn't know about something.

And for you idiots that still think I'm trying to sell light bulbs, I'm a stay at home dad fresh out of the mortgage business, where I made my enough money that I can stay home with my don't have to work for a while. HAHAHAHA a light bulb salesman. Some of you idiots really crack me up. I grow as a hobby, and as I keep telling all of you, I don't sell light bulbs.

Want to see a grow report? Look at any forum that is not controlled by the same redundant people regurgitating the same basic info over and over again with the people backing them up time and time again.

well... you're kinda just acting like an ass...

can you show us good grows?

with pics big enough to differentiate leaves... haha

this is kinda pathetic

and trust me... i'm no know-it-all
i'm just learning

... but you sound like an ass... why would i listen to you?

you don't seem charismatic enough to open peoples eyes to much of anything...

sorry to burst your bubble...
I am an ass and I haven't asked you to listen to me, I said check out other sites that will back it all up. I don't want you to listen to me, I want you to see there are other options out there. Better options. Love me, Hate me, makes no difference to me, I'll never meet you....but I did give you information that no one here did.......
hey wassup man i would like a llink to the website that u order the bulb from i think it help alot of pplz on here keep up the good work....
I am an ass and I haven't asked you to listen to me, I said check out other sites that will back it all up. I don't want you to listen to me, I want you to see there are other options out there. Better options. Love me, Hate me, makes no difference to me, I'll never meet you....but I did give you information that no one here did.......

i do frequent another place, thanks though...

why wouldn't you just make those pictures availible here for us? and have that info here? instead of just mocking the site why not help it?

smoke some more of yer shit and mellow out buddy... this site ain't half as bad as you make it out to be:blsmoke:
i do frequent another place, thanks though...

why wouldn't you just make those pictures availible here for us? and have that info here? instead of just mocking the site why not help it?

smoke some more of yer shit and mellow out buddy... this site ain't half as bad as you make it out to be:blsmoke:

Honestly brother, I hope I see that soon........
Since I've started the thread, I've been labeled as a light bulb salesman and it's been said a number of times that I'm logging in under other user names...... none of which is true. I didn't start the crap, the know it alls with the high post counts did. Now, I look like the ass, later they will, I'm patient and I know I'm right. Good luck bro, I got the basics out there for you, from there, you have to do some research on your own if you're interested. I'm no expert and never claimed to be, just posted the facts. I have seen the results, seen the debates, and after the dust settled I paid my $53 for the bulb and shared the info here. There are pics of OTHER people's grows in my gallery. Want to see more, check out some other forums.... there are plenty of people out there are much more open to CMH and have a number of members posting grow logs. I myself don't do grow logs, growing weed really isn't that difficult that I feel the need to track it.
Its quite clear that the spectrum that is provided by a cmh is much better than other hid lamps.
Any good grower using these bulbs would certainly get better results going by the specifications alone.

A strange thing that i found was pictures of these bulbs being fitted into work areas and factories where people are working underneath of them and yet a disclaimer in phillips own pdf documents about not using these bulbs were people are due to eye strain and skin lesions????:confused:

So does the adequate shielding,especially in a growers capacity,reduce the light output to the same or worse levels than can be achieved by using a separate normal hps/mh bulb?
This is a factor as the cmh bulbs are a lot more expensive.

I am going to contact phillips myself and ask them about this as i am well interested but i want to know some facts from the horses mouth:blsmoke:

WARNING: “These lamps can cause serious skin burn and eye inflammation from short wave ultraviolet radiation if outer envelope of the lamp is broken or punctured. Do not use where people will remain for more than a few minutes unless adequate shielding or other safety precautions
are used. Certain lamps that will automatically extinguish when the outer envelope is broken or punctured are commercially available.”This lamp complies with FDA radiation performance standard
21 CFR subchapter J. (USA:21CFR 1040.30 Canada: SOR/ DORS/80-381).
I'm guessing it's the distance from the bulb. After a certain distance, it most likely dissipates. I say this because I'm in shorts a lot, when I'm working on the cab, my hands itch first, most exposure, it takes longer for my legs to start.
Before I realized it was the light, I would scratch and then keep going, then blotches and bumps start showing up.

Tech guys are saying if you put it in an cool tube or air cooled reflector you will loose the uvb benefit
I'm guessing it's the distance from the bulb. After a certain distance, it most likely dissipates. I say this because I'm in shorts a lot, when I'm working on the cab, my hands itch first, most exposure, it takes longer for my legs to start.
Before I realized it was the light, I would scratch and then keep going, then blotches and bumps start showing up.
Great lol:confused:
This is my whole point really.
What effect does it have on marijuana if its doing that to people after only a few minutes of exposure to our own skin?:blsmoke:
Honestly, it's hard for me to give an opinion right now. I'm growing from seed and I have a CFL cab for seedlings and clones. I didn't get the ebb & Flow cab set up as fast as I had planed so they were under CFL's about a week and half longer then I had planned. At the same time I switched them under the CMH light , I also switched Neuts. I put the plants into small DWC containers because I don't know sex yet and I need to be able to move them back out of that cab to a mother cab once the clones are ready to go. 5 plants right now are sitting about 12-15 inches under the light in an umbrella type reflector, no glass "sheild" between the bulb and plants. I would say that they have really taken off but who's to say whether it's the light or the new neuts. I went with Dutch Master Gold, Max, Zone and Silica and I follow their online neut calculator, up to about 1100 ppm now. Previously I used Floranova Bloom from seedling to harvest. before that floranova grow & bloom. The entire setup is a new build, ebb& flow, CMH light, and Neuts. I'm use to growing DWC. On top of all of that, I'm growing a strain I have never grown before, DJ Short Grape Krush.
I have no doubt that the plants would grow well in that spectrum.
I need to know if the radiation that they emit destroys thc and how long is safe exposure to the lamps.
Growing green leaf is cool but what about the potency of the trics,does it degrade them even faster than normal light?
They are no good to me if i am unable to tend to my plants properly and have to keep switching the lamps on and off just to enter the room.
I am not knocking your idea by the way i am very interested,i just want some tried and tested and harvested info before i will buy one at 3 times the price of my usual bulb.:blsmoke:
Positive effects on plants, negative on skin from what I have read. UVB light, some growers supplement HPS lighting with it but you have to play around with how how much the plant can handle from direct UVB lighting. CMH puts out less so the plant can take it for th full light on period.

Cost 3 times your normal bulb, where are you getting bulbs for $17? ....for a 400 watt HPS bulb?
The cmh emit shortwave radiation but i saw no mention of this being anymore or less uvb than any other hps or mh bulb.
Also of concern is the fact that my 400 watt hps dual spectrum bulb emits 58,000 lumens and the cmh emits only 34,000 lumens.:confused:
Positive effects on plants, negative on skin from what I have read. UVB light, some growers supplement HPS lighting with it but you have to play around with how how much the plant can handle from direct UVB lighting. CMH puts out less so the plant can take it for th full light on period.

Cost 3 times your normal bulb, where are you getting bulbs for $17? ....for a 400 watt HPS bulb?
Online price is 16.08 shop price is 22.95:blsmoke:

Grolux 400 Watt Dual Spectrum Grow Lamp - 58000 Lumens
