HPS or fluorescent lights?


Active Member
If your looking to grow in a smaller area and can train your plants to keep them even height, i would suggest the t5 fixture, i have the 4 foot 4 bulb fixture going in my 4x2 grow area and the plants are loving it! Plus it dont cost near as much to run as a hps would. And another advantage is they run alot cooler then a hps, so u can put your light right on top of the plant! Good luck with whatever u choose though! Check out my thread to see my ladies.


Well-Known Member
Avoid florescents if you can. HPS will give you more in less time. Buy a 250W and you can grow 2 or 3 plants no problem, more light is better of course.


Active Member
thnx guys a little late but still helpfull....i did however go for the t5 fittings 4 footers x 4 .... remembering that this is only for the clone/veg stage , alls i can say is that, my 4 plants have produced 90% as many clones and 100% as fast as my cousin under hps. I do have mylar on all four walls, but regardless if i balance out watt/cost and purchase price of the setup im 100% satisfied. T.b.h. i dont even have anywhere to put all the clones im bustin out. Thnx for the advice on the t5´s ...more than enough for me

p.s. flowering im going 4 x 600watt hps

ty again =)


Active Member
im useing 4 fluro tube 32 W for my cloning veg stages or atleast i am hoping too i have a 600W and a 360W conversion bulb i wanna use for flowering HPS of course now would it be wise to keep a mother under the fluros?