HPS or MH?


I'm buying a 400 watt light with 2 bulbs, HPS and MH. I heard that MH should be used during vegetative, and HPS during flowering because it is stronger. Shouldn't I just use HPS through the whole growing phase? Can I use HPS in vegetative and MH in flowering? Thanks..


Active Member
Ive used hps all the way through, I've seen people use MH all the way through. MH is used in veg because of the spectrum of blue/daylight - mimicking beginning season for plant; hps spectrum more red-orange spectrum, signaling end of seasonal life span; shorter days, flower production time ect. This is just based off what humans interpret plants needs or wants for different stages of growth, and the light it uses in different stages; in reality you can use either or and the plant will veg until you give it 12/12 unless she is ruderalis.


Well-Known Member
mh keeps dense nodes
and the hps will stretch a bit
i run hps all the way i dont mind stretch


Well-Known Member
I have used both all the way through and I would have to lean more towards MH as it runs cooler and I did not see any loss in weight or trichome production. In fact my local hydro guy runs nothing but MH (Eye Hortilux's super blue) and he has amazing results!


New Member
Ive heard you can go either bulb all the way , lots of people will swear by either way.
I go T5 veg and hps flower