HPS questions


Well-Known Member

I recently purchased a 150 watt HPS light system from htgsupply. I was wondering, how safe are HPS lights? My worst fear would be for me to come back home and my house be on fire lol. Also, I am growing lowryders and I would keep the light on 24/7 or would probably do 18/6 to conserve energy. Would a 150 watt HPS light be enough to flower 4 plants? I also have a 50 watt high powered LED panel full spectrum(red and blue LEDs) that I can use as supplemental lighting. Would this be sufficient lighting for vegging and flowering?



Well-Known Member
they are as safe as their user is. as long as you set it up right, you should have no problems.

I would do the 18/6 to conserve energy as well.
I think you would be ok with a 150W light, the more the better though. you may get a little bit of stretchin, just keep it as close as you can get it without burning the plants, and you'll be ok.


Well-Known Member
yeh there very safe,just handle with care,especially the bulb,and keep the ballast somewhere it cant start a fire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,