HPS security/parking lights


Well-Known Member
well apparently way back when electricity was first starting to be implemented in various towns in Europe, this one farmer one night went all over the town taking down the city lights that had recently been put up. No one could find out for years what happened to the lights until a few years after, the farmer had given the lights to relatives and kept a few for himself. Well, the wiring in his house wasnt up for the extra energy the stolen lights would draw, especially with old wiring. One day he came home to see his barn full of fresh asparagus burning down to the ground. He ran to town to look for help and they quickly acted trying to put out the fire with little luck as there was only one fire truck. Later on, within the remains, the townfolk looked on as many metal light fixtures were left behind in the burnt debris. The townfolk proceeded to put out the ashes, only after eating the rest of the farmers asparagus crop. 2 years later the farmer committed suicide by hanging because no one would buy his crop.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Why not pay the $25 for a 500 watt HPS flood light at home depot?

if they were that cheap... ... everyone would be growing pounds of weed...

This thread is pissing me off!!!1
Stop bitching about people stealing!
stealing is sometimes an incredibly good thing to do...
ever hear of robinhood? He robed people all day everyday. and people love him for it
robbing people and or small buisness is not only wrong, but bad and stupid.
the fact is nobody is going to be effected in the slightest by her taking a streetlight.
shit happens!
and speaking as a person whos had thee house robed 5 times I think I would be the one to be most anti robing.
rob whatever you please... just not from the neady... which is you... so... do it up...
I'd take them from a parkinglot because ther way brighter.


Well-Known Member
if they were that cheap... ... everyone would be growing pounds of weed...

This thread is pissing me off!!!1
Stop bitching about people stealing!
stealing is sometimes an incredibly good thing to do...
ever hear of robinhood? He robed people all day everyday. and people love him for it
robbing people and or small buisness is not only wrong, but bad and stupid.
the fact is nobody is going to be effected in the slightest by her taking a streetlight.
shit happens!
and speaking as a person whos had thee house robed 5 times I think I would be the one to be most anti robing.
rob whatever you please... just not from the neady... which is you... so... do it up...
I'd take them from a parkinglot because ther way brighter.
you can buy it from home depot,the bulb..then what?trust me i looked into it,yesterday as a matter afact so you might aswell buy one or.....do what u gotta do.personally i dont jack anymore,unless risks were low and $ was in the tens of thousands and i might yhink about it,lol...and for future reference next time if i were u ,dont post about stealing,u could upset some of the ppl here at rollitup,im sure u could of got some advice other places or should of just asked about if they would work?it your call,either way good luck and i can tell you that i had 120v go threw me and i tasted metal for a week,lol......peace,ras


Well-Known Member
they have the bulbs for 25. but you need a ballast and hood... a cheap one could be about 100 bucks thats cheap cheap for that... but most people pay like 300 for them...
a few years ago I bought a 400W hps bulb and was like ohh yea... but then I noticed the part with the threads was like 5 inches in diameter... well like 2 but it was big!... and wont work in a regular socket... youd kill people.... most likly yourself
I pay taxes... the state owes me. bastards... always aresting me... they owe me a light... too bad I alredy have one... their lucky!!
nah I'm just fucking around... but people are saying its giving us a bad name!?!?! how so?
people on this site will think that person might not be a good person... so it gives them a bad name. but no one else... because its only growers that read this site... and some potheads... and... pirates... people will just say damn kids allways breaking lights... the lights on my block whch are regular street lights... and I cant believe that that could be a HPS light ... it sucks... theres one right in front of my house... its never working... let me see if its working now... alright its working... but thats besides the point... the government expects these things to break... thats why they hire people to fix them... thats why theres people with jobs..
didn't mean to affend anyone... I wasn't going to say anything at first... but I kept reading and saying this is bullshit... there lecturing this person when its not really their buisness.... dont say I'm lecturing... I'm not... ... ...


Well-Known Member
street lamps have these too?hmmm...ha,ha..i just pictured myself climbing this street light at 2 in the morn.blitzed,i wouldnt,but these crazy young bucks down the block might do it for me,hmmmmi ...ibetter stay quiet before i offend!.....ras


Well-Known Member
I used to work in a restoraunt... and take bottles of soda. and there fresh homemade mozzerella mmmmmmmm... damn whyd I quite.


Well-Known Member
they have the bulbs for 25. but you need a ballast and hood... a cheap one could be about 100 bucks thats cheap cheap for that... but most people pay like 300 for them...
a few years ago I bought a 400W hps bulb and was like ohh yea... but then I noticed the part with the threads was like 5 inches in diameter... well like 2 but it was big!... and wont work in a regular socket... youd kill people.... most likly yourself
I pay taxes... the state owes me. bastards... always aresting me... they owe me a light... too bad I alredy have one... their lucky!!
nah I'm just fucking around... but people are saying its giving us a bad name!?!?! how so?
people on this site will think that person might not be a good person... so it gives them a bad name. but no one else... because its only growers that read this site... and some potheads... and... pirates... people will just say damn kids allways breaking lights... the lights on my block whch are regular street lights... and I cant believe that that could be a HPS light ... it sucks... theres one right in front of my house... its never working... let me see if its working now... alright its working... but thats besides the point... the government expects these things to break... thats why they hire people to fix them... thats why theres people with jobs..
didn't mean to affend anyone... I wasn't going to say anything at first... but I kept reading and saying this is bullshit... there lecturing this person when its not really their buisness.... dont say I'm lecturing... I'm not... ... ...
I pay taxes too, and in a country where they are largely wasted on many idiotic things (like an un-winnable war), I would really prefer that the crumbs that are left on the table went to something more worthwhile than replacing fucking stolen street lights. I have never stolen anything in my life, and wish that people would have a little fucking pride in the way that they conduct themselves, and try to better the world in leading by example. You want something? Earn it! I promise you that your weed will taste better when you think back on the extra work you had to put into acquiring the necessary inputs, as it is with anything in life.

And I have to agree with anyone who said something about things like this giving growers a bad name. Because of this thread and any one like it, any child/parent/DEA agent who does enough snooping on the e-grow scene will pull up a page devoted to lazy kids screwing whomever they please in order to advance their grow. Sites like this one are by no means under the radar; and the agenda-rich media are delighted to point out new crime trends propagated by the "evil" cannabis community.

We are criminals only because we go against a senseless prohibition that we know to be unfair. When we cross that thick red line that separates passionate and spiritual zealots and morally devoid villains, we prove the very thesis of that prohibition: Marijuana is a dangerous drug, and its users are a menace. Please, everyone who reads this, think twice before you besmirch the good names of your peers.

loathes thieves.


Well-Known Member
I pay taxes too, and in a country where they are largely wasted on many idiotic things (like an un-winnable war), I would really prefer that the crumbs that are left on the table went to something more worthwhile than replacing fucking stolen street lights. I have never stolen anything in my life, and wish that people would have a little fucking pride in the way that they conduct themselves, and try to better the world in leading by example. You want something? Earn it! I promise you that your weed will taste better when you think back on the extra work you had to put into acquiring the necessary inputs, as it is with anything in life.

And I have to agree with anyone who said something about things like this giving growers a bad name. Because of this thread and any one like it, any child/parent/DEA agent who does enough snooping on the e-grow scene will pull up a page devoted to lazy kids screwing whomever they please in order to advance their grow. Sites like this one are by no means under the radar; and the agenda-rich media are delighted to point out new crime trends propagated by the "evil" cannabis community.

We are criminals only because we go against a senseless prohibition that we know to be unfair. When we cross that thick red line that separates passionate and spiritual zealots and morally devoid villains, we prove the very thesis of that prohibition: Marijuana is a dangerous drug, and its users are a menace. Please, everyone who reads this, think twice before you besmirch the good names of your peers.

loathes thieves.

I see what your saying. And I Wasn't going to say anything about nothing...
but people really got on this persons case... when honestly I think she posted too much I would have been more discreet. I wouldnt steel a light from the street... I'd probably kill myself and I'm afraid of hiths... as in higher than 2 feet.
I see what your saying about people finding out about what we said on this site... but there way bigger problems to wory about...
I know we think weed is no big deal whatsoever since were around it all day every day... but there many people who think its terible and evil... some of these people I'm sure are kleptomaniacs.
but in all honesty/ I dont think anyone is going to find this thread and cause problems for us... unless its ourfault for brining back long forgoten tthreads :)
If we really were kids and they could prove it. I think than there would posibly be alot of people bitching.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
That weed would taste so much sweeter if it was partly paid for by the government, I'd be high on the joy of screwing the bastards over for once instead of the council sending me letters telling me I can't change my window frame because of planning permission! Fuck that! :cuss:


Active Member
If you do the Crime ... Just make sure you are prepared to
face the consiquiences of your actions..

you cant smoke anything is jail....LOL..

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
I can think of one thing you can "smoke" in jail. :o:cry:
You won't get caught though and if you did you wouldn't go to jail. Seems to much like hard work though to me, ill just buy some fluorescents.


Active Member
toke crazy.............your a fag and you sound like my b***h.Go smoke some weed a shut your lame ass mouth!


Active Member
People, people, what have we come to?
Let the person steal the lights. If they're too thick skulled to listen to good advice, they'll find out the hard way that:
1.)Stealing one would be very hard
2.)Stealing one would be very hard without killing yourself
3.)Stealing one would be very hard without breaking it or damaging it
4.)It's cheap to buy them at Lowes/online
5.)There is a penalty if caught, and not nearly worth a 40 dollar light