HPS set up


Active Member
I jus moved into my own apartment finally, thought about setting up the flower room in the garage but decided to do it in the living room. theres plenty of ventilation with a lot of windows and a lot of sunlight as well since im facing south, and plenty of outlets for all the lights etc.

can anybody describe or post pix of how ppl set up the HPS? i have the lights and tools, but rite now im jus brainstormin how to set it up properly. do i buy a bunch of wood and build a frame? any easier methods? thnx


Well-Known Member
if your talking about mounting it, i use the hook and chain method..throw some hooks in the celing and more hooks so it will be adjustable


Well-Known Member
Fist off unless you plan an outdoor grow the sunlight will only make cooling an issue. Check out Videomans posts he has a nice way to setup a grow closet. All items can be purchesed at lowes or homedepot except the lights, seeds and nutes


Well-Known Member
Also forget the hook and chain idea. They make little things you can move up and down by turning a knob. Theyre cheaper then chains to! There called Flex-Adjusters and they sell them on ebay. They come in a set of two for 10 bucks! you cant beat it and they work really really good!


Well-Known Member
Check the ratings for weight. Mine were borderline, and broke in the 2nd week of using em, I'm back to my chain and hooks now.
If it aint broke, dont fix it.

Also forget the hook and chain idea. They make little things you can move up and down by turning a knob. Theyre cheaper then chains to! There called Flex-Adjusters and they sell them on ebay. They come in a set of two for 10 bucks! you cant beat it and they work really really good!


Active Member
thnx for the replies~
i guess ill build another wood frame and use hooks and chains..
i hope i get a good yield from these 3 plants..cauz i spent a damn good amount of money on these bitches!!

and also, my mother wants to visit me for a day in a few weeks, u guys think its ok to hide my plants in a nearby bush? its a hill next to the highway, but not close enough for any of the drivers to see..about 20~30ft from a walking trail. bad idea?:neutral:



Well-Known Member
does your mom always search your bedroom, closet, laundry room, garage, when she comes over or are all those places ok to grow in but not to hide a plant? in other words, yes, its a bad idea to hide them in the bush. sounds like your more afraid of your mom then the COPS!


Active Member
yes, cauz i havent seen her in a couple yrs and she jus wanted to check my new place out with more relatives comin over as well

my underage gf said shell take care of the plants btw..lol


Well-Known Member
give them to me.:mrgreen: you shouldnt worry about the bush. just keep the pots coverd so they dont stand out. and becareful when you pick them up to take them home, take a minute to walk aroound and make sure noones watching


Active Member
i used to live right next to the beach boardwalk btw~norcal weed was sooo much better than this san diego bullshit from mexico


Well-Known Member
beach flats? i hope not. grimmy.... i live closer to watsonville. errr santa cruz yuppies, fake hippies with gay dreds. bad excuse to stink of BO if you ask me


Active Member
sounds like santa cruz, i was actually one of those spoiled Stevenson Pirates! in Pebble Beach


Well-Known Member
on the chains and hooks thing please please make sure there are secure mine fell down and burned half my crop !!!