hps vegging


Well-Known Member
This is my experience: with my 600 watt I grew 2 LAs, 2 Sour Diesel, and a Pineapple Express, they grew into beautiful 16" plants after a 3 week veg. they went into flower. As alot of you say I observed they didn't stretch as much and the internodal growth was very thick and tight, but after a couple weeks in they started stalling out on me they just weren't responding to the same amount of light, then I remembered something Ed Rosenthal said about needing 3x more lumens in flower over what you use in veg, I added more lights and the problem was solved.


Active Member
This is my experience: with my 600 watt I grew 2 LAs, 2 Sour Diesel, and a Pineapple Express, they grew into beautiful 16" plants after a 3 week veg. they went into flower. As alot of you say I observed they didn't stretch as much and the internodal growth was very thick and tight, but after a couple weeks in they started stalling out on me they just weren't responding to the same amount of light, then I remembered something Ed Rosenthal said about needing 3x more lumens in flower over what you use in veg, I added more lights and the problem was solved.
Really... stalled out in flowering? I've used 1000w hps all the way through from seedling till now haven't upped the lumens or anything... ine seem to be doing just fine for 3 1/2 weeks into flowering...


Well-Known Member
Once they got to the stage where the buds put on size around week 5/6 they just wasn't adding the visible weigh I was used to seeing in my plants (which I switched out of flos or MH). The stretching response maybe necessary in flower since that's a trait that all cannabis plants share whether indoor or out, indica or sativa.


Well-Known Member
you say you are talking from experience but first you say this:
Yes you can veg with it, but I'd advice you not to because a HPS puts out alot of lumens in the red spectrum and doesn't promote tight internodal veg.
and then you say this:
This is my experience: with my 600 watt I grew 2 LAs, 2 Sour Diesel, and a Pineapple Express, they grew into beautiful 16" plants after a 3 week veg. they went into flower. As alot of you say I observed they didn't stretch as much and the internodal growth was very thick and tight,
well which one is it? what do you mean? either you are contradicting yourself or you are unclear in your meaning. please explain


Well-Known Member
I'm not posting to this thread anymore after this. I SAID DOESN'T PROMOTE..............LIKE A MH OR FLOS. I never said it won't promote. If we spend more time on these forums talking and explaining our philosophies instead of trying show up people with harsh comments the shit would be legalized by now, I've been posting on the web on different sites as well and I never blasted anybodies grow style I only advise what I feel is best, you don't agree post your advice and keep it moving. My grandmother was half Cherokee and my Gpaw was a sharecropping Geechy from the south, been around gardens my whole life the shit is truly in my blood, my friends hate when I tell other people how to grow but I can't help it I do it for the love.

If I offended anybody with anything I've posted I'm sorry,


Well-Known Member
I'm not posting to this thread anymore after this. I SAID DOESN'T PROMOTE..............LIKE A MH OR FLOS. I never said it won't promote. If we spend more time on these forums talking and explaining our philosophies instead of trying show up people with harsh comments the shit would be legalized by now, I've been posting on the web on different sites as well and I never blasted anybodies grow style I only advise what I feel is best, you don't agree post your advice and keep it moving. My grandmother was half Cherokee and my Gpaw was a sharecropping Geechy from the south, been around gardens my whole life the shit is truly in my blood, my friends hate when I tell other people how to grow but I can't help it I do it for the love.

If I offended anybody with anything I've posted I'm sorry,
lol...dont feel bad man, stand up for what you think or believe and if your wrong, then your wrong...but in this case you are neither 100% right or 100% wrong...more like 50/50...alot of the node spacing is dependent on genetics, and a CFL or flo. will just promote tight node spacing...the reason that these fine gentleman who have tight node spacing with their HPS in veg is because thats the light they use throughout the grow. of course lumen consistancy plays a crucial role as well...really, there are alot of factors that determine node spacing on the plant...veg with a 2 watt halogen bulb for 2 weeks, then throw her under a 400w HPS and watch the bitch rocket in height with huge node spacing...veg with 400w MH, and then flower with a 400w HPS and the node spacing will be tight.


Active Member
So I'm a little confused... youguys think that if I usewd my hps from seed till now (3 1/2 weeks into flower) the buds won't be tight and full as if I used two or three times the lumens than in veg? I'm very curious about what everyone thinks on this...


Well-Known Member
DSCN0265.JPGDSCN0307.JPGDSCN0305.JPG052111174842.jpegpurpp.jpegxj13.jpgpurp.jpgif you have the option I would veg under hps. with a metal halide or a t-5 they grow the same as the hps I feel that the hps is alot quicker. I have allways veged with hps before I flower. and I get these results


Well-Known Member
So I'm a little confused... youguys think that if I usewd my hps from seed till now (3 1/2 weeks into flower) the buds won't be tight and full as if I used two or three times the lumens than in veg? I'm very curious about what everyone thinks on this...
is that querckle in your avatar. I want to get my hands on that querckle from tga


Active Member
View attachment 1707767View attachment 1707765View attachment 1707764View attachment 1707763View attachment 1707762View attachment 1707761View attachment 1707760if you have the option I would veg under hps. with a metal halide or a t-5 they grow the same as the hps I feel that the hps is alot quicker. I have allways veged with hps before I flower. and I get these results
So when you veg with hps do you triple or double your lumens during flowering...?...
well i appreciate all input an advice ill posst some pics when i figure out my new laptop, i put the hps on 2 days ago ill c what happens, everythigng seems to be ok, #purplestar #apollo11 :)


Well-Known Member
So when you veg with hps do you triple or double your lumens during flowering...?...
From a T5 or florescent to a hps? I use the hps all the way through hortilux 156,000 I think. so I wouldnt be doubling or tripling when I switch to flower. but if you went from a florescent then yeah you would. I only veg with a t5 or florescent if I dont have enough space to veg them under 1,000 hps


Active Member
24/0 is fine,but some like to give their plants some dark time during veg.plus you use less electricity.
actually you dont save electricity overall and imo you actually lose money from wasted time. you will have to veg for more days under 18/6 to get the same results vs vegging under 24/0. you save more electricity per day. but overall is about the same.
on a business level, 24/0 is really saving you money. time is money and 24/0 is faster meaning you can put plants in flower sooner and veg new plants sooner also.