HPS vs LED Question


Well-Known Member
No where does my light say it outperforms anything. This is seen with my own 2 eyes! Im sorry youre a LED hater, but many people are having HUGE grows with LED! I can tell now that my harvest will be far superior to any 400w harvest Ive ever had. Follow my grow journal and in a few weeks Ill show you what it can really do! And your thread that proves everything you just said is full of misinformation by alot of skeptical people that havent ever even used a REAL LED like Advanced. Sure, any of that crap you get on ebay sucks, but until you actually see or use an Advanced Extreme Flower or their new Diamond series, you havent seen a real LED grow anything!
Unless you can yield 10 oz + from 1 plant under than LED I won't be impressed.
scottyballs yielded anywhere from 10oz to 15oz from his 400w. Dayzt is growing under a 400w as well and I'm sure will yield more than a pound. Can I get a link to your grow? I'd like to follow it to see what you yield with that LED. I am in no way "hating" on LED, I just realize the technology isn't there yet and can admit that.



There are links to both of their grows.


Well-Known Member
you are wrong mate.if that was the case all the big growers would use led lights.they dont,even the ones who have tried them,because they are not as good as hid lights.it sounds like your opinion is based on what you read on some website trying to sell leds.
Keep thinking that then. I love it when people use the argument of "I've never seen any commercial grows using leds" because it shows their true ignorance for a couple reasons: 1) Just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist; and 2) not every grow out there is posted for you to see. My statements were based solely on my personal experience having both grown with hid and led, and not based on anything I've read or seen second hand. It's ok to have your concerns or even doubts as part of your opinion, but don't go around telling people their opinions are flat out wrong and provide bullshit to back it up. I don't feel like arguing much with you anyway so I'm not even going to bother to ask which part or parts of my statement you think are wrong. Anyone who has had success firsthand growing with leds can see where I'm coming from.


Well-Known Member
Unless you can yield 10 oz + from 1 plant under than LED I won't be impressed.
scottyballs yielded anywhere from 10oz to 15oz from his 400w. Dayzt is growing under a 400w as well and I'm sure will yield more than a pound. Can I get a link to your grow? I'd like to follow it to see what you yield with that LED. I am in no way "hating" on LED, I just realize the technology isn't there yet and can admit that.



There are links to both of their grows.
I accept you challenge buddy! When I finish out my autos, Ill but a single girl under it and see what happens;) Ive got a couple BUKUs vegging now, or maybe my BigBud just since its about yeild.


Well-Known Member
A lot of miss information in this thread. I am a bit shocked. If LED's were more efficient you would see big grows using them, you don't. LED's can grow bud, but do not listen to people going on about "oh yea, my 180w can outperform any 400w" Yea sure that's what was written on the LED product description doesn't mean it's true. Find me one, ONE 180w LED grow that yields more than a 400w hps, assuming both are grown in proper conditions.

You can get equal or close to equal if you spend big bucks on LED lights, but the price vs how much it cost to set up a HID system isn't the same. You'll end up spending a LOT more on a proper LED system to get equal results. There is a thread on this forum that proves everything I'm saying..
Again, someone using the argument "because I haven't seen others doing it, it isn't possible" and that is just not a good argument to use for the reasons I just mentioned in my previous post. I think what's happening here is that some people are looking at the final yield in two different ways: one in total weight and the other in weight per watt. Think about what you want to see: a 180w grow yielding more than a 400w grow, how easy is it do that with a 250w hps and a 400w hps?...say you get 6 ounces off the 400 watts...well I've gotten +4 ounces off 180 watts of led and I know that grow could've done better; that's with less than half the watts yet more than half the yield so image what would happen if I were to use 400 watts of led...which is what I'll basically be running here in a month or so after I add in my new panel. You're more than welcome to observe them in action and it should provide a better insight.

I'm glad you see that you can get comparable results if you spend the money in the right way. I actually made that point in my first post in this thread. True, the start up cost for the proper led system is a lot more expensive, but where you save is on the cooling costs and bulb replacements.

I don't like where this thread is going because I try to stay away from the hps vs. led fight; we should all support each other and not jump on someone's case for giving their opinions of their preference for lighting, especially if they have first hand experience. Thanks everyone for reading my thoughts, hope I could be of some help. Happy growing and good luck!


Well-Known Member
Again, someone using the argument "because I haven't seen others doing it, it isn't possible" and that is just not a good argument to use for the reasons I just mentioned in my previous post. I think what's happening here is that some people are looking at the final yield in two different ways: one in total weight and the other in weight per watt. Think about what you want to see: a 180w grow yielding more than a 400w grow, how easy is it do that with a 250w hps and a 400w hps?...say you get 6 ounces off the 400 watts...well I've gotten +4 ounces off 180 watts of led and I know that grow could've done better; that's with less than half the watts yet more than half the yield so image what would happen if I were to use 400 watts of led...which is what I'll basically be running here in a month or so after I add in my new panel. You're more than welcome to observe them in action and it should provide a better insight.

I'm glad you see that you can get comparable results if you spend the money in the right way. I actually made that point in my first post in this thread. True, the start up cost for the proper led system is a lot more expensive, but where you save is on the cooling costs and bulb replacements.

I don't like where this thread is going because I try to stay away from the hps vs. led fight; we should all support each other and not jump on someone's case for giving their opinions of their preference for lighting, especially if they have first hand experience. Thanks everyone for reading my thoughts, hope I could be of some help. Happy growing and good luck!

The additional cost of a LED system that will actually in reality be better than a HID system will easily offset the cost of additional lights and cooling. Hell a single real LED 180w almost costs more than my entire grow setup. You'd still need something to control the smell and with my system and a lot the fan doubles as light cooling and smell removal.


My entire setup was just over $550. buy that led panel and you still have to deal controlling smell, room/tent/cab ect..

I just don't see the logic.

My ENTIRE setup is:

400w mh & hps bulbs
20x36x60" tent full mylar
190 cfm 4" inline fan & 18" carbon filter
even came with 16' of ducting
6" cool tube

I'm not bragging, I'm comparing. I bought ALL of that for the price of one advanced nutrients LED panel. I sure as hell hope the quality $540 LED panel yields more than a $20 bulb.

As far as the energy savings. I calculated I'd spend around $60 bucks for the entire grow in power. That is nothing really. 180w would use a ton less I agree but the cost of the panel is so high I don't see the logic as to why you would want to pay that high of an upfront cost to save $60 bucks over 3 months of growing.


Well-Known Member
If you want the best you have to pay for. Be cheap. I dont care. What I do care about is growing the best meds possible. Everyone that has finished with LEDs say its their best bud yet, not biggest harvest(YET). Hell, I have a 4.5x9x7 room with a 600w hps on one side and a 400w hps on the other. I have many things to compare to. I veg under t5ho's. Ive got many different lights readily availible for comparison. My LED has me amazed!


Well-Known Member
If you want the best you have to pay for. Be cheap. I dont care. What I do care about is growing the best meds possible. Everyone that has finished with LEDs say its their best bud yet, not biggest harvest(YET). Hell, I have a 4.5x9x7 room with a 600w hps on one side and a 400w hps on the other. I have many things to compare to. I veg under t5ho's. Ive got many different lights readily availible for comparison. My LED has me amazed!
Well many don't have that kind of money to spend on grow setups. you have to understand MOST people looking at led's are NOT going to spend 500 bucks on a light and the main reason they look to LED is because they don't have the money to spend in power and money to spend on controlling heat. They are going to go to ebay spend 80 bucks for something that is garbage, will have a shit yield be severely disappointed and talk shit about led all day long. Promote led ALL day long, just make DAMN sure you are telling people LED is only better when you come out of your pockets big time because that cheap shit on ebay is a gimmick and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry. If you dont have the money then dont look. Cheap LEDs are a waste of money. Better off using HIDs then.


Ive just been looking at these things myself & trust me somedude247 i have got the money to throw at it aswell as run 6 600w MH or HPS with a newly bought setup that would make your wallet & your moma cry so you can put your handbag away son & be appreiciative that the guys on this site hear you out you should respect them for it. the way i see it is "you get what you pay for" if you go to xpense you get the high end gear you get better R&D and quality its the same with cans of beans (mmmm heinz) anyway got my eye on 2 x Illuminator Pro-Series 350w Hybrid LED http://www.prosourceworldwide.com/Illuminator-Pro-Series-Hybrid-350W-LED-Grow-Lights-p/illuminator pro- series 350w.htm & i will be running them along side my beloved HIDs for my Tangerine Dream, OG Kush New year harvest


PS as you probably guessed i dont like arrogant people


Well-Known Member
Ive just been looking at these things myself & trust me somedude247 i have got the money to throw at it aswell as run 6 600w MH or HPS with a newly bought setup that would make your wallet & your moma cry so you can put your handbag away son & be appreiciative that the guys on this site hear you out you should respect them for it. the way i see it is "you get what you pay for" if you go to xpense you get the high end gear you get better R&D and quality its the same with cans of beans (mmmm heinz) anyway got my eye on 2 x Illuminator Pro-Series 350w Hybrid LED http://www.prosourceworldwide.com/Illuminator-Pro-Series-Hybrid-350W-LED-Grow-Lights-p/illuminator pro- series 350w.htm & i will be running them along side my beloved HIDs for my Tangerine Dream, OG Kush New year harvest


PS as you probably guessed i dont like arrogant people
WTF you talking about? Arrogant? Disrespect? There is NO ARROGANCE or DISRESPECT in telling people what the BEST FUCKING LED out there is! Ive seen most of them in action and most of them suck! If you dont like what I say, dont read it! My purpose is to do away with HIDs altogether. And help people looking for help! You obviously have your set-up picked out, but others dont and many on here have enjoyed my views.


Well-Known Member
WTF you talking about? Arrogant? Disrespect? There is NO ARROGANCE or DISRESPECT in telling people what the BEST FUCKING LED out there is! Ive seen most of them in action and most of them suck! If you dont like what I say, dont read it! My purpose is to do away with HIDs altogether. And help people looking for help! You obviously have your set-up picked out, but others dont and many on here have enjoyed my views.
I think he just wanted to brag about spending 1200 on a LED panel...
I sell and use leds it all is about how much you want to growif you grow 6 plants for your self you can do 400watt mhl to get big buds you have to run 600 or 1000 hps you will flower with 400 but to get big buds you have to have 600 or 1000 hps leds work real good in veg room you can get 300watt led no heat and 110v also you can run a t5 4or6 bulb 110v 2x4 light do all yor vegging with that then put in flower room one t5 pulls the same as one 400watt mhl at 220v let us know how many plants so we can help kentrugrolights


If you want the best you have to pay for. Be cheap. I dont care. What I do care about is growing the best meds possible. Everyone that has finished with LEDs say its their best bud yet, not biggest harvest(YET). Hell, I have a 4.5x9x7 room with a 600w hps on one side and a 400w hps on the other. I have many things to compare to. I veg under t5ho's. Ive got many different lights readily availible for comparison. My LED has me amazed!
Hey just want to say thanks for all your posts and insight in this thread. I've been looking for a quality LED flowering light and I think Advanced might be it. The awesome thing for me is, the DS100 model pulling only 85w is big enough for my cupboard flowering chamber. I was going to go a 150w hps with ducting. To know I am only pulling 85w without the heating problems, gets me very interested. Think I might be spending $300 + postage very soon.


Well-Known Member
The additional cost of a LED system that will actually in reality be better than a HID system will easily offset the cost of additional lights and cooling. Hell a single real LED 180w almost costs more than my entire grow setup. You'd still need something to control the smell and with my system and a lot the fan doubles as light cooling and smell removal.


My entire setup was just over $550. buy that led panel and you still have to deal controlling smell, room/tent/cab ect..

I just don't see the logic.

My ENTIRE setup is:

400w mh & hps bulbs
20x36x60" tent full mylar
190 cfm 4" inline fan & 18" carbon filter
even came with 16' of ducting
6" cool tube

I'm not bragging, I'm comparing. I bought ALL of that for the price of one advanced nutrients LED panel. I sure as hell hope the quality $540 LED panel yields more than a $20 bulb.

As far as the energy savings. I calculated I'd spend around $60 bucks for the entire grow in power. That is nothing really. 180w would use a ton less I agree but the cost of the panel is so high I don't see the logic as to why you would want to pay that high of an upfront cost to save $60 bucks over 3 months of growing.
Besides the light, nutrients, coco, $15 on black and white panda film, and a $20 fan, I didn't have to spend any extra money. I don't have any of that extra shit, I don't care about odor control and I don't have to worry about pulling out excessive heat that isnt there to begin with. I guarantee youre running more like 500w after all is said and done.

Sorry that you feel led growing isnt for you, it's not everyone's cup of tea. But some of us happen to love it and are excited about it. $500 wasnt a lot of money, after my first grow it paid for itself. Now I have a free light that keeps putting dollars in my pocket, while only taking cents out. My hid lights put dollars in my wallet too, but also takes dollars out. It's a long term investment too, and the short term gains (3 month harvest) I saw +100% returns. Plus, I'm environmentally conscious.


Active Member
Read the facts and theories about LED's and then decide:http://www.ledgrow.eu/ft.html This guy builds LED panels and has done many experimental grows with them. His information comes from knowledge and experience. A very knowledgeable guy when it comes to LED's. Get the straight dope.


I have one of the Blackstar 240s. I also have a 400 watt HPS. And a couple other LEDs, one HTG and one GLH. Maybe other people are getting different results than I am....

I've compared what I get with each light I have per electricity used, and I stand by my statement.

My 400 watt HPS gives me the biggest yield because it is my biggest light, but per electricity used, the GLH gets the most. I have learned the true savings with using LEDs is in the heat management. My 495 (actual) watts of LED + my 416 (actual) watts of CFL all combined run cooler than the one 400 watt HPS.

Plus, the HPS ballast uses electricity too, which goes beyond the rating of the bulb. There is more savings there too.

If you're insinuating that a 90 watt LED replaces 400 watts of HPS, or even 250 watts of LED replaces 400 watts of HPS. You're in for a big disappointment. I was after I bought my first LED. Based on my setup and past results, 300 watts of good LED lighting, like from GLH, can almost replace 400 watts of HPS.

edit: Most people only pull 2oz from their Blackstar 240, so 3 essentially will get 6oz. I get well over 6oz from my 400 watt HPS.

How high do u keep ur lights away from the plant on veg and or flower on ur 400watt setup?