i have a hard time talking while on acid lol let alone going to work on itTripping on LSD at work
have fun man, it'll probually make you want to quit doing crankI get to do some acid soon. Fuck yeah
have fun man, it'll probually make you want to quit doing crank
That's a sad storyexactly why my crush is doing it for me even if I get it fronted and repay later, wish I could smash her too like we did back in the post high school days
y'all ever drive on a head full of acid haha
yea same here but acid is by far the worse lol its fucking crazy but in a good wayI drive on everything
i'm getting some too should have it in a weekSoon enough I shall do dat Cid. That'll be for a weekend Friday night kind of thing. Today I literally 2 hits of my favorite and achieved perfect work state of mind/body. Medical dose. Had a decent breakfast, full night of sleep, my body couldn't be happier.... For now.