(HS) Jibber Jabber Thread

Damn fbi it might be good for you to move away from your friends and dealers that are also into that shit.
Otherwise you're never gonna stop. I had a good friend that loved the tina more than anything else.
Man was 53 years old and his body was destroyed from running it so hard all those years. It's what got him
in the end, which was honestly how he wanted to go out
Damn fbi it might be good for you to move away from your friends and dealers that are also into that shit.
Otherwise you're never gonna stop. I had a good friend that loved the tina more than anything else.
Man was 53 years old and his body was destroyed from running it so hard all those years. It's what got him
in the end, which was honestly how he wanted to go out
That's what I did moved clear across the country.

Ive been so sick with an irritable cold, them chills and sweats.

Weeds beeen holding me off but im storming into this cough surpressing, nose clearing, mind boosting medicine and it's starting to do me well. Its a real medicine

Ive been so sick with an irritable cold, them chills and sweats.

Weeds beeen holding me off but im storming into this cough surpressing, nose clearing, mind boosting medicine and it's starting to do me well. Its a real medicine
Try some kanna or some b caapi(Ayahuasca) extract it will clear you up homie God's own medicine. I can send you some Harmine/THH next month if you like. The plant spirits will teach you much. Or I can brew you up some Ayahuasca homie that will clean yer mind and soul.
I'm considering injecting some marijuanas for the second time. Hoping someone with experience could provide any pro tips so everything goes as planned. My last attempt, the needle broke off in my tongue and my barber told me I was doing it wrong.
Just finished up my Pirhana Plant doodle
I want to call the darkness right now, overclock my soul till my eyes go blind from shadow people's dances
...fuck im loving the guilty enjoyment of self inflicted sorrow.

When ya've done so much on the weekend that-

. Feet so cold and aching you begin to sympathize heavily for type 2 Diab. patients.
. Ya passed ur peak high friday night and can't reach a decent buzz by smoking any of the shit at your disposal
. Smoking at this point was mostly to stay awake
. You easily completed every half of the house chores you set as a goal for today but literally did not fully complete one
. Ya cook a gnarly meal fit for a stoner but explain your cover up about your struggle to consume the small bowl serving and instantly feel depressed inside cuz you wanna eat but the caffine has other plans for you

Glad weekend is over, i always feel refreshed every Monday morning, i won't be doing the late night crackhead and really look forward to taking hot bath right meow then go lay down to some Hulu while smoking bowl after bowl of weed!

Sometimes ya just gotta do so much indulgence that you achieve satisfaction, boredom and go resume life

Couldn't get by the pay wall but thanks.

I googled his name and found he has a Ted talk that I'll look at later.

I have some yopo seeds i've been playing with. Very weird. Everything ripples and lovely CEVs of waves of pulsing energy and once it was waves of multicolored noodles.
Thing is the whole time i do this my mind is completely sober. I'm thinking like normal.

I just hate the purgative effects of it.
. Yech.