HTG Supply shipped me a bad bulb? [PICS]


Well-Known Member
Relaxed I will start a link showing all the peoples complaints on HTG since it seems to me alot of very lazy memebrs who can type in the search box above. Again please show me where I once in this thread even said I have anything for sale anywhere if you cant then please be quiet. Oh wait I reccomended 4 or 5 other shops to people in here wow they must be paying fletch since he said thier names. If you paid attention which you dont I only speak of my stuff if someone asked where to get something then I will offer myself but I havent even done that in months really except one person asked about getting digital lights in a thread and a pm so i posted a re4ply. But i guess your in my pms to right so you know who asked what in there?Please go use google and see I have been a non fan of htg since 2006 3 years before I even thought about having a dro site. Once you do a bit of research to back you mouth running off then you may come back and say what you want. If you are too lazy to do 10 minutes work then just sit quietly as your not offering any input or help. If you dont like me or any of my info thats fine great go with it but if you come out without any backing then just shut up.So from now on Relaxed if I see you mention any stores name i must assume your dooing it for profit correct? if you say hey you can get that at walmart then they must be paying you as I refer many sites daily and yet the handful i have said about my things you get your panties twisted and start bitching and moaning. I start my own threads if I want to straight out sell stuff check the classifieds. i also make long detaiuled how to to build what i seel so people can make it for free but if they dont want they can get one premade from me. So come on and blast me for making how to threads showing how to do it for cost yourself since thats all i care about is the money oh wait if I did why the hell would I tell and show how to make this stuff.I am sure you read this explanation earlier in the thread but forgot. yeash your gonna see me on the HTG threads telling how bad they are and your gonna see me on other sites saying how bad they are. Your goinna see me say cfls suck and aerogardens are for dummies..Gonna happen so get used ot it its called an opinion. I bought from HTG few times in the past and now Im telling what they did and whyt i dont like them. So is this guy a jerk since he posted what HTG sent him too?

Filth- I have no real problem with u bud. I hope your business is a success. Your note above says enough for me and expected it from u. The passive/agressive sales approach is just another sales tool. The but since you asked approach I sell is not a new sales tool. If you want to start a thread on a vendors faults go for it. I support several vendors. I make nothing but lend a comment or 2 to spread the love of the hobby so we can ride the cartels of the business. Your not the cartel are Rock on but u aren't scaring me in the least....bongsmilie


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Lol scaring you not even in the eqation. I just have had 3 dummies say stop trying to see your wares when i never mention anything about them in this thread or in months. Its like those who suck HTG dick are the only ones allowed to say anything about them. If I say I think they are bad because...I get some nut hugger saying its because I offer stuff. yeah if I cam in and was like Hey Htg sucks and hes a dick but you know I sell this and this for this amount come buy from me...then yeah blast me but I never once said shit in this theread except refering 5 other shops I have used and stated why i felt HTG was a bad company..why cant i say why i think they are bad? If i said they are great would some dick come in and be like ohh you own a shop and like the owner so your jsut helpoingh him out. Why am I not allowed to hate HTG? i dont do that to all hydro store basically just bhis as its the one I had bad buys from and see daily posts about people mad who bought there? Please tell me why is Fletch not allowed to say how he feels on HTG and why?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
For you and mindmelt ill ask to have my how to post removed since thats showing people how to make the things I sell for free themselves and then people can just pay the high prices else where that should make eveyone happy right? Sorry to offer help, sources and alternatives..geeeezus


Well-Known Member
filth- this is my last comment on the subject. When you are a retailer you have a very fine line between pushing your ware, bashing the competition and helping others without a financial gain. Your choice to be a retailer in store front or internet puts u automatically in that class. Have you noticed how many retailers are commenting on the forums? I think you should put a banner on this sight paid and/or a link to your website in you profile so you can sell and let others know. I am truly looking for bulb information for the future and another vendor to try that is competitive.

I am looking forward to your htg hate thread. I do want to see the extent of the issues. Yes I have had issues with them myself. More then one time but I am a very happy customer because of the entire outcome. They have and may still have bulb issues but they don't make them and the vendor they use surely is addressing it. The upgrades or free bees more then make up for the hassle. It's almost like oh shit what happened now and what will they do to make up for it. Remeber the old crackerjack box free gift...Kind of like They are far from perfect or having great communication to customers. I am also looking forward to your link and directing me to the person who had the fire because of htg gear? That's the point I chimmed in. That scare tactic imo was poor.


Active Member
I promise you that HTG is a great company so don't sweat it. I know it's an annoyance but they should swap it out for you and make it right.

In one of the grood experiences I've had with them a friend of mine ordered a few things but changed his mind after he placed the order. When he called and changed his order he was over by $20 or so and they ended up just giving it to him for free to be cool knowing he'd be a repeat customer.

They're good people so I'm sure they'll help you out.


Well-Known Member
Not to doubt your story or anything but how does a ballast shut down the internet for miles around?? And most cable/internet companies work normal hours like everyone else, 2am seems a little weird regardless of the situation.
Not to doubt your story or anything but how does a ballast shut down the internet for miles around?? And most cable/internet companies work normal hours like everyone else, 2am seems a little weird regardless of the situation.
Doesnt matter if u doubt it or not.. Its 100% true... The digi ballast caused RF interference on the line in my home and somehow it knocked out all the cable modems in a 2 mile radius.. The cable company line repair truck came to my home and "disabled" some type of line at the back of my home "until someone can come in and see what is causing the problem" ( his exact words.. ) as it was 2 AM and he said he was not wanting to come in that late. He was in one of those line repair cable trucks. This was mnths ago btw.
OK I think I need to chime in here..

HTG has the cheapest prices on the web for a reason.. There shit sux ass.. I recieved 6 bad bulbs ( that all blew within 1 week ), 3 bad ballasts, a damaged hot5 ( bent reflector,torn away light sockets etc ) and a faulty 600W digi hps kit that caused RF interference in my cable line and caused a widespread ( for miles around ) internet outage which caused the cable company to come to MY HOME at 2 AM to investigate the problem..
HTG may apear to be an awesome company at first when you see there prices.. Then may still seem great when you have your first problem ( usually a blown bulb/ballast as 90% of there bulbs blow within 1 week. usually within 3 days ) and they offer to send you a replacenment free.. BUT after that replacement bulb/ballast blows within the saem amount of time and happens at least 4 more times , your opinions about HTG will change. And after 30 days, if something happens,your basically S.O.L... I have had more probs with them than I care to list. Far too many probs.. From bad blown bulbs and ballasts to straight up lies from them on the phone. I was told that the Agromax bulbs labled "K11K" were known to be faulty ( I had 4 blow within 4 days each time.. I was told "were so very sorry about that , its because these bulbs labeled "K11K" are faulty.. We will send you a "non K11K" bulb we promise..Well, they said it was shipped on a Monday, I called that following Friday to ask for a tracking # and they said it wasnt shipped yet becasue they were waiting to get some "NON K11K" bulbs in stock.. Well, the following wednsday they sent me a tracking number.. I got the bulb a week later ( 2 1/2 weeks at this point ) and guess what it was? ANOTHER MF "K11K" BULB!!! Keep in mind that I only had 1 light, but the bulb blew 4 f'ing times within 4 days each time after they sent a new one.. After 5 replacement bulbs , and after changing from the 400W mag to the 600W digi ( which caused RF interference leading to internet outages ) I said Fuck it and sent the digi ballast back ( yet again ) and just settled on a 6 lamp 4 ft HOT5.. Which was also damaged when I got it. And out of the 8 bulbs I got, 5 were bad..
IMHO HTG has the worst equipment on the web hands down.. So what if they are good about replacing shit if the shit they send as a replacent is faulty too.. Try telling your plants "Its ok.. They are sending another light/bulb etc out in a week or so.. Can you please not die until then?"

Well thanks for the input on the bad experiences, really. I'm feeling that I'm getting treated the same way by HTG. He's saying that metal vapor build up is perfectly normal, so I'm going to use it and see how perfect it is. If it breaks, I'll be sure to bump this thread and prove that HTG is actively full of shit.

But I'm hoping it won't come to that and my bulb works perfectly fine, obviously. :weed:

But I have a real suspicion that it will break soon after using it, and I will send them an email... and they'll just give me the run around, and I'll end up saying fuck it I'll buy a bulb from somewhere legit.

Either way, I'll keep this thread posted on how this ugly ass bulb works out. :wall:


Well-Known Member
I heard about the RF signal issue with digital ballast. That's why going with Lumatek digital ballast that issue has been addressed and your dealing with a company that specializes in digital ballast. HTG is now a distributor. The negotiated price was shocking as well but then again I may have caught the owner on a good day because he took the next week off when his wife had a baby. I know I called to add to the order.....


Well-Known Member
I use HTG. I have bought lots of stuff from them. I returned a bad bulb once, they sent an upgrade; that's what they always do. I have 3 600W digital ballasts. They don't cause any interference with systems in my house or elsewhere. I can't stop chuckling about the two-mile radius thing; the US military could probably use something like that. lol


Well-Known Member
i think the lesson is have a spare bulb in case the " shitty ones from htg go bad in three days". Really,? some dude bought like $2000 worth of broken bulbs and ballasts from htg?
my htg shit has been running good for 2 years now, and they even replaced a cooltube i broke on my first order, after telling the dude i broke it. the local hydro shops are much more expensive for the same shit buyer beware


Mr I Can Do That For Half
ahhh wahtever HTG is great I love no email responces no call backs and missing parts. A1 one company for me. Ahh little fire or wires falling out of ballast never hurt anyone at least for my down week and possible fire I got a free lighter and and agrinder so its all good Great company thumbs up


Well-Known Member
How do you get RF interference to generate at 1 point and travel down a cable? Maybe you had the hub for your area in your back yard, you affected it somehow and in turn anybody connected to that hub couldnt connect


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The old cheap cables allow rf interference as it was the cable insulation that was incorrect all digitals that are new have correct this old issue only old stock with non recalled cordsets would allow radio interference now


Active Member
Fletch, I priced out some lights and a fan between htg and maryland, and htg beat them by 150 bucks:?:....thing is htg is shut down due to moving and wont be shipping for a week or so.....I didn't see much for deals with maryland but I want my stuff now so I may buy:weed:.....pull some strings will ya.:-o


Well-Known Member
You got a grinder??? That would be worth any inconvenience lol.

ahhh wahtever HTG is great I love no email responces no call backs and missing parts. A1 one company for me. Ahh little fire or wires falling out of ballast never hurt anyone at least for my down week and possible fire I got a free lighter and and agrinder so its all good Great company thumbs up

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright i have almost the same problem with my light. I dont have as much rust build up but i do have a little also there are three small little BB's that are just rolling around in the middle little bulb. Whats everyone think of this bulb ?

I dont think this normal i did contact where i got the light but no reply back yet.

