HTG SUPPLY.. The prices too good to be true?


me and my uncle have some. the ballasts and hoods are legit, however several bulbs have been sent back.

my take on it I will continue buying the 600 watt hps bundles, I however will go to the hydroponic store and throw down 80-$100 on a good bulb before I ever start it up because I know in good time those cheap ass bulbs they throw in there bundles to keep the price down are junk.

customer service is an A+ all the way, no questions asked as long as your covered by warranty. Go with em but buy a "GOOD" bulb for back-up while you are waiting for them to replace the one that burnt out that got sent with it. "even the replacements are junk" HTG supply!

Good advice, hic. Thanks!


I have never known anyone that used the EasyCool 6 reflector and I have not really read about them and I have not seen messages about them but I'd guess it's just a somewhat different version of the CoolTube.

I tend to use AgroMax much of the time. Its a very good bulb and can be found for a better value and am just not sure that the final results of a grow will greatly hang in balance over the difference between the bulbs.
Bricktop - I see that you use Agromax much of the time. I am about to purchase a 600W HPS system from HTG. There are bulb options. The HTG site mentions that the Agromax bulb (at least the version they carry) is "Spectrally Enhanced = 30% more "blue" spectrum". The HTG label bulb says something similar as well. I called HTG and the very helpful person said that the HTG & Agromax bulbs have the blue "added" so that a person could use just 1 bulb for veg & bloom. He said that both the bulbs mentioned are at about 3100k. That said, I am after a bulb which will be used JUST for bloom, what bulb from the HTG options listed below do you think would be best? The choices are the HTG bulb @ 0 extra $; the Growbright 600 @ $8 more; the Agromax 600 @ $24 more; Sunmaster 600 @ $29 more and the Agromax 600 Hybrid @ $34 more.

All thoughts/comments would be appreciated!


got me a 600w digital greenhouse with an easy cool 6 (hood temps stay reasonably cool) and a 40x40 tent.. the light is frickin great! the tent was a mistake.. weak seams all over that beast.. had to beg the guy to let me walk out with that stuff for 480 ( all i had, and they let me slide) which was cool but didnt have enough for the bulb upgrades :( so far the stock MH bulb is ragin em pretty hard and i have yet to try the HPS... results coming soon!! :) again, thank you all for your input! while the tent is not of the best quality, it still serves it's purpose and i am happy overall with my purchase.