Huge Changes from Advanced Nutrients???


Active Member
I've looked all over and I can't believe no one is talking about this. Did I actually get the scoop on something for once? This is so cool, you're gonna flip.

Okay, so I just got back from the hydro shop. I was lookin at nutrients and trying to decide what to get for my next grow and I was chatting with the guy who runs the place and he said I should wait like a week or so if I could, which of course got me curious.

He says that Advanced Nutrients has got some huge changes that are coming out any day now. They're calling it the "Bigger Yields Nutrient Flowering System". He showed me some brochures they'd sent him because he's on the "beta list" or something like that. I guess they send him stuff they're testing. He actually let me keep the brochures cause he had several. I tried scanning them but I can't get my scanner to work I'm not sure what's wrong with it but I'll try to get it uploaded so everyone can see it.

Here's what it says.

First off, adjusting pH is over. Done. According to the brochure as long as your water is between 5.0 and 7.5 you don't have to touch a thing. Thanks to "propriety technology called pH Perfect" it sets itself to the perfect pH without any extra work from you. The shop guy said it really works, he didn't believe it at first but it does. We'll see.

Oh, another cool thing. They adjusted the concentrations on everything so that you use 4ml/L for all your base nutes and 2ml/L for all liquid supplements and 1g/L for all dry supplements. Makes it really simple to measure things.

Everything is divvied up into four "levels" of growing expertise. You've got "Hobbyist" with you base nutes and Voodoo Juice, Big Bud, B-52 and Overdrive. "Expert" level adds Piranha, Bud Candy, and Final Phase. "Professional" level adds Tarantula, Nirvana and SensiZym. And the "Grand Master" level adds Bud Ignitor, Rhino Skin, and Scorpion Juice.

From what I can tell "Bud Candy" is a new kind of Sweet Leaf, "Bud Ignitor" looks like a Bud Blood upgrade, and I'm betting that Rhino Skin is the new Barricade.

Oh, and it says under each of the levels beyond Hobbyist in red letters that a certain percent yield increase is guaranteed. 17% for Expert, 33% for Professional and 47% for Grandmaster.

Let's see... what else...

Oh yeah, all the stuff is "new and improved". They bundled up everything together. The Grow/Micro/Bloom and Sensi nutrients are "4 in 1" with the base nute, Enggy's H-2, Enggy's F-1, and Wet Betty. It's all pre-mixed in the perfect proportions.

The organics side has Iguana Juice mixed "5 in 1" with the H-2, F-1, Mother Earth Super Tea, and the Organic Wet Betty.

Bud Candy comes pre-mixed with the right amount of CarboLoad so you don' need it at all. And Nirvana comes pre-mixed with the Mother Earth Super Tea.

It looks really cool. As advertised this is as close to a "Set It and Forget It" hydroponics program as I've ever seen. Maybe a "Growing for Dummies".

Anyone else seen this?


Well-Known Member
Good find, waiting for your scan :) - On the other hand those guys come up with "ground breaking" products newly introduced every 2 months or so it seems.. Probably just another marketing gimmick for another good product of theirs.

I do use and love their products, however.


Well-Known Member
I have never noticed a difference between nuts unless one has some problem. It seems like they buffer this stuff well which would be nice.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of the Sensi 2-part having humic and fulvic acid pre-added, hopefully my next bottles will have it. Advanced are some marketing geniuses, but I'll admit that I do love my results with their products. Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of the Sensi 2-part having humic and fulvic acid pre-added, hopefully my next bottles will have it. Advanced are some marketing geniuses, but I'll admit that I do love my results with their products. Thanks for the info.
But if someone is a marketing genius then we know they must also be evil and their products worthless!

/sarcasm off

I've never had a single complaint with Advanced Nutrients or their products. Everyone markets their products or they don't sell them at all. Whether they spend a few bucks to get an artist to make a pretty label or they buy an ad on TV, they try to make their product more visible so people will know it's for sale.

There's no crime in that. Hell, if they aren't willing to make an effort to sell me something I'm not likely to think it's valuable enough to buy.

Every nute company out there markets their stuff. If AN is better at it kudos to them. They also happen to have a great product and that's why I buy it, not because they're great or terrible at marketing.

Hell, I don't even think AN does the best job at marketing anyway.


Well-Known Member
But if someone is a marketing genius then we know they must also be evil and their products worthless!

/sarcasm off

I've never had a single complaint with Advanced Nutrients or their products. Everyone markets their products or they don't sell them at all. Whether they spend a few bucks to get an artist to make a pretty label or they buy an ad on TV, they try to make their product more visible so people will know it's for sale.

There's no crime in that. Hell, if they aren't willing to make an effort to sell me something I'm not likely to think it's valuable enough to buy.

Every nute company out there markets their stuff. If AN is better at it kudos to them.
Well said.


Well-Known Member
I hope you don't think I was knocking Advanced, especially for being so blatantly capitalistic in this capitalist society. :mrgreen: Since I've made the switch to Sensi 2-part I haven't looked back. The only off-branders kept around nowadays are Liquid Karma and/or Superthrive for my transplants. Peace:weed:


Well-Known Member
I hope you don't think I was knocking Advanced, especially for being so blatantly capitalistic in this capitalist society. :mrgreen: Since I've made the switch to Sensi 2-part I haven't looked back. The only off-branders kept around nowadays are Liquid Karma and/or Superthrive for my transplants. Peace:weed:
It's cool man, I was poking fun at the previous poster and agreeing with you.

It's possible to buy something based on how good it is and not how good they say it is, even if the marketing for it is really good. Honda runs a lot of commercials about how good their cars are. And their cars ARE good. I love Hondas and prefer them over most everything else.

I wasn't hooked by the commercials and it doesn't matter how great the advertising department for Honda does its job. I buy them because they're great cars.

Same deal with Advanced Nutrients.


Active Member
hmmm interesting hopefully it's out by mid jan. Thanks for the heads up

I'm planning to switch from GH to advanced.



Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed my switch from GH 3-part to Sensi 2-part. Less hassle mixing nutes, my roots don't get stained anymore and my plants are much happier. Waiting to see the differences I get between KoolBloom and Big Bud.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Wheeee! The fish are jumpin!

I didn't knock their product, it's only that you can do just as well with much less money.

I don't like to pay for marketing geniuses. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Those guys are marketing geniuses. See if you can get the hook out of your mouth. :lol: :lol:

LOL that cracked me up right there..

ya they do have a hell of a marketing squad.. they do have a couple of jewles like any other company like big bud n overdrive but gimme a friggn break you dont need 100 different additives to get good results... gh 3 part, big bud, overdrive, cal mag, you set son!


Active Member
Okay, the coolest thing happened. Since I couldn't find anyone who had information on this and the other forums I posted this message on I decided to send an email to Advanced Nutrients (to the email address) and see if I could get any kind of confirmation or denial or something like that.

Heh. None other than Big Mike replied. He asked where I'd heard about this and I was like “I don't want to get the guy in trouble so I'd rather not say” and Big Mike said he understood and to make a long story short I ended up giving him my phone number and he called and talked to me for like an hour! This was a couple days ago and I meant to type this all up and post it for all the forums talking about it then, but one thing leads to another, I kept putting it off, you know how it goes.

I took some notes of the conversation, but apparently I still completely suck at taking notes cause now I look back at them and it's not much help at all. Of course my college transcripts could tell you that. Anyway, I'll explain it all the best I can from what I remember and if I remember more later I'll come back and update you all.

The big question I had for Big Mike was how the whole pH thing is supposed to work. It's funny, he was all like, “Well I'm not gonna tell you, that's proprietary” and then he went ahead and explained it but it doesn't help much because I totally didn't understand the smallest bit of the science. But it actually works better than the brochure I've got which, by the way, isn't even printed by AN. I guess the shop guy printed it off from a pdf that was sent out to him by AN. Big Mike said the one I've got is out of date and not right. They're still finalizing all that stuff but he said he'd send me pdfs of the final versions as soon as he gets them.

Oh, but about the pH stuff. He said it actually works with water between 4.5 and 8.5 pH which is pretty much everyone. As long as the water is within that range all you do is mix up your nutes like the directions say and it just comes out the right pH and stays buffered there. I definitely can't wait to see if that's true. No more pH checking? I'll admit I'm skeptical, but he was all like “that's not even the coolest part”.

The big thing is that they've developed some way of jamming all this stuff together without it reacting and clumping up and stuff. That's how they can do the 4-in-1 thing with the base nutes where they've all got H-2, F-1, and Wet Betty in them and some of the other stuff is doubled up as well. Also, he said they'll be doing a thing where each level, the hobbyist, expert, professional, etc has one of the products thrown in for free. Like with the Hobbyist level you get Overdrive for free. I asked him about the price and he said they didn't have the numbers totally decided yet but that they were actually looking to cut their margin by like 17% or something like that. From what was saying it sounds like the new formulas cost more to make but that he expects that to get better so it won't hurt them in the long run, but I'm not sure. I wish I'd gotten it all written down better.

Oh, I asked him about the market/advertising thing people bring up. He said that they spend five times as much on research as they do on advertising. Most of the magazines won't even let them buy advertising, but they don't care, they'd rather spend the money on research anyway. I asked him about the labeling and he said that he gets the idea and then he hires a guy to do the label and they go back and forth until its what he envisioned or something better, and then that's it. It's like a thousand bucks one time and that's it. So they're not spending a lot there either.

The Weeds thing, he says he just flies out there a couple times a year to consult on the show, but since AN supplied all the expertise to start out with and a lot of the equipment they just keep using all the same props. Which is pretty smart on the part of Advanced Nutrients if you ask me. That show's like number 1 on Showtime and has been forever.

He was telling me about how there's this big time conference every year, I don't remember the name, but it's for all these leading plant scientists from all over, like 2 or 3 hundred are invited and you're only supposed to come if they invite you. Well he's telling me about how a couple years back he just decided to crash this conference and no one seemed to realize he wasn't supposed to be there for quite awhile and by the time they did realize they figured out how much he and Advanced Nutrients were contributing or could contribute to plant sciences and now he gets invited every year.

See each of these scientist guys out there has their own little pet project they want to do but it's a pain in the butt to get financing to investigate some odd little thing about growing alfalfa or something. I mean farmers are always looking to get better yields or heartier plants that are more resistant to bugs and disease and such, but no one wants to spend a truckload of money for something you can fix by just planting more of it. With the legal stuff – at least until we're getting much tighter on farmland space – there's the constant struggle of whether it's worth a million bucks to find a 5% increase in yield.

So along comes Big Mike at this conference thing and he's talking with all these scientists and finding out stuff that they'd love to research if they only had the money. And it's totally win-win for them. He was telling me about how this guy or that gal's research played a role in improvements to Voodoo Juice or whatever.

I just gotta say it was really cool talking with him too. He's totally a cool guy, just talking with me about whatever and this guy really knows his shit. Which makes sense... all the guys that started Advanced Nutrients are former growers.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff. Big Mike said he was going to have someone send me the pdf stuff and that it would probably be next week sometime. Oh, and he said the new feeding system should hit the stores next month.


Well-Known Member
sounds interesting enough.. i may just have to try it out if they dont have to take off my left testicle


Sector 5 Moderator
Wow that's a great story Growerman. I've talked to some of the tech guys up there a couple of times and they are always so helpful and extremely knowledgeable. I'm really happy they are getting dialed in on "economy of scale". I'd rather sell 100,000 units of a product and make $10 on each unit than sell 10,000 units and try to make $100 on each one. Everybody benefits. I'm also very happy to see them putting things together 3-4 products in the same container; I knew that could/should be done. Looks like they are going in the right direction.

On another note, I emailed them and told them I had a great idea for a unique product but they would have to treat me right to get the information. They never responded.