HUGE dead snake found. Over 50 ft!!!


Well-Known Member
Ohhh shit. Im sitting here thinking Why is he so close? Is that thing real? Is that thing really dead? Why is he that close and not pumping that thing full of shells? That thing is gonna get him isn't it?

Lol...Im such a puss when it comes to snakes.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh shit. Im sitting here thinking Why is he so close? Is that thing real? Is that thing really dead? Why is he that close and not pumping that thing full of shells? That thing is gonna get him isn't it?

Lol...Im such a puss when it comes to snakes.
dude don't even feel bad about being a puss about THIS bad boy.. I JUMPED and it took me a few minutes to get my heart rate back down, I think I may have blood pressure problems or something haha, but still this is fucking ALPHA-snake right here, i bet some of the hotshots on here poo'd them shorts a little bit :fire:


Well-Known Member
dude don't even feel bad about being a puss about THIS bad boy.. I JUMPED and it took me a few minutes to get my heart rate back down, I think I may have blood pressure problems or something haha, but still this is fucking ALPHA-snake right here :fire:

Was that real? Does stuff like that really exist? I'm in complete denial. How do you kill something like that?


Active Member
yeah it made me jump a little too but that snake is nowhere near 50 ft..... kinda silly that someone would say that just to try and scare someone... i want to actually see a 50 foot snake though! that would be so cool!!

why in the world would you want to fill it full of lead? poor thing, that snake has probably been around for 50 years and you just want to up and kill it because its a snake? not cool....snakes are wonderful creatures, they wont even hurt you if you find them. all they want is to live their life. munching on rats and other creatures when they get the chance.

i have a 4.5 foot black snake outside of my house, he comes by every once in a while as im doing yard work or such and he just sits there an lets me check him out. its pretty neat.