huge grow help!


Active Member
so im thinking of getting clones from the dispensary, im moving in to my buddies house pretty soon and he does construction and he was,going to build a a underground cellar in his back yard and run the electricity to his solar energy panels and we were going to grow in there and our goal is aroubd 45 pounds the dispensary only allows us to buy 9 clones but we want to clone from them how many plants and lights would be enough and im thinking hps 400 lights but what do you guys think any advice would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
45 pounds huh. And you are first time growers I pressume....I would go check out a few books from the library or check grow basics on the internet. Before you go spending thousands on equipment I'd try to see how you do on a CFL 1 plant grow first.


Well-Known Member
And to get 45lbs from 9 plants you would have to grow out would need like 55,000 watts to get that much indoor, a gram a watt is hard to get


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for a good 5 years now and I just recently last year got to the ounce per gallon soil mark. It can obviously be done, I am not saying that. You're just gonna have to keep everything well groomed, well tended, and know how to keep your canopy even to get 5 ounces+ per plant. I would go for 5-7 gallon felt pots. I vegg my clones for 20-25 days or from seed plants for about 40-45 days to get 5 ounces. Did not mean to offend, it's just most people come to this forum as a newbie not knowing even where to begin, and they want to pull 10 ounces per plant and it';s just not gonna happen lol. Good luck to you bud.


Well-Known Member
Well how many plants are you trying to grow? and correction to my earlier post 25,000 watts would be enough


Well-Known Member
You do realize you are going to need a warehouse sized place....and 400watt lights are out of the question obviously that would be retarded expensive compared to 1000watters. 4foot x 4 foot can be illuminated by 1 1000watt. I am still obviously very skeptical and can guarantee you are not gonna pull 45 pounds from just one harvest lol. Because if you are asking what you need, you obviously don';t have that much experience.


Well-Known Member
Oh another reason i am skeptical is because you said you guys were gonna hook up some solar panels to run the


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for a good 5 years now and I just recently last year got to the ounce per gallon soil mark. It can obviously be done, I am not saying that. You're just gonna have to keep everything well groomed, well tended, and know how to keep your canopy even to get 5 ounces+ per plant. I would go for 5-7 gallon felt pots. I vegg my clones for 20-25 days or from seed plants for about 40-45 days to get 5 ounces. Did not mean to offend, it's just most people come to this forum as a newbie not knowing even where to begin, and they want to pull 10 ounces per plant and it';s just not gonna happen lol. Good luck to you bud.
If you got an ounce per gallon using between would need 102-144 plants with this method, put em in 25 gallon pots and you should need 29


Well-Known Member
hahaha but a 25gallon pot inside? You would have to have a 10 foot roof lol. Or else your plant would be taking up a 10 foot diameter or more..... I think this guy just doesn't know what he is getting into. You'd need a greenhouse or just grow outside for this kind of yield obviously.


Well-Known Member
But even then you will need 25 1,000 watt hps with 30 gallon pots roughly 25 plants...they will have to veg for 3-4 each harvest would take 7-8 months dried an cured


Well-Known Member
Ya, so good luck. unless you live on a 40 acre parcel & have 100,000 dollars laying around. O, and your solar panels aint driving no 25,000 watts, unless you have two or three acres of panels.

Buy 9 clones each 18 total veg them for 2 or 3 months in 10 gallon pots and you can easily take 200 to 300 clones off 18 plants if you keep your mothers happy healthy and productive


Well-Known Member
hahaha but a 25gallon pot inside? You would have to have a 10 foot roof lol. Or else your plant would be taking up a 10 foot diameter or more..... I think this guy just doesn't know what he is getting into. You'd need a greenhouse or just grow outside for this kind of yield obviously.
Hey bro i've seen some pretty sick indoors but yeah you should about 15' ceilings to be on the safe side but 10' will work, they will just be bigger around


Well-Known Member
And CC if i could like what you said i would green house is the way to go...cheapest way to grow bud but it takes a while...i prefer outdoor but this time of year im inside


Well-Known Member
Hahaha me too bro i have seen an indoor setup where guy had 8 foot tall plants in a multiple screen SCROG. one screen was close to the top and the other in the middle to support the plants and there were 2 levels of 1000watt lights....crazy shit. That's what this guy needs to do in order to get 45 pounds LOL


Well-Known Member
Guessing at your level of experience, you need 102 lights@400w. 0.5g/w.
Then you need a basement 816 ft2 (28x28).
If you want to run from solar, you will need 680 600w panels.
That's a start. Don't be daft. If you want to start this, do it a bit at a time.