Huge grow room inside a cave


Well-Known Member
Don't steal electricity!
"But now Fred Strunk, 63, is not only facing 18 years of prison, he lost every cent he put into his operation. His house and all his holdings were confiscated by the government. In addition, he is expected to reimburse Tri-City Electricity $61,000 for the energy he stole. $61,000. That's quite a light bill." <-----------Same room on you tube


Well-Known Member
seems like stealing power is a good way to get caught. that and just using to much even if you pay for it all.

im just like damn wtf all that and they couldnt of installed some solar power things or get a huge generator or someshit wtf lol haha makes you wonder if theres more operations out there like that that will never get busted lol