Huge plants but they look weird??


Active Member
SET UP: i have four one gallon containers full of water with nutrient solution in each i have an air pump pumping air through small hoses to right under the baskets (the roots have spread out all throughout the bucket so the air bubbles arnt getting any roots just a few right under the baskets)

STORY: I planted these guys as 1/2 inchers (3 days old) anbd went out of town, i cam back a week later and all the plants have grown to a rediculous size for only being a week old im using a 400 watt hps and the hydro setup i made myself just having little tubs of water with the air hose under each basket the plants have gotten huge have healthy stems and HUGE leaves for only being a week old but are very flemsy and droop on the aluminum foil under neath the leaves also curl up a little around all the leaves just a tad though. \

i use advanced nutrients and started with 1/4 oz of each micro and grow and 1/6th of bloom

MY THOUGHTS: i think they are either too hot, are not getting enough oxygen since the toob isnt hitting very many roots, or something to do with the nutrients. \\ ANY HELP WOULD BE AWSOME AND +1



Well-Known Member
your res should be black (IE you should not use see-thru containers. They are over watered/drowning. For a quick fix add some H2O2 to the water. You need more water movement to oxygenate the water more. In other words, they need more air! so... more pumps and airstones or a submersable water pump to move the water around in the res more... or both would be better.

Keep your res temp to 65 and you shouldn't have other problems develop.


Active Member
your res should be black (IE you should not use see-thru containers. They are over watered/drowning. For a quick fix add some H2O2 to the water. You need more water movement to oxygenate the water more. In other words, they need more air! so... more pumps and airstones or a submersable water pump to move the water around in the res more... or both would be better.

Keep your res temp to 65 and you shouldn't have other problems develop.
WHAT is h202


Well-Known Member
The problem with see thru containers is the algea will form on the plastic and the algea eats the nutes which in turn kills the plant from lack of nutes.


Active Member
Ditch the foil too on the pots and cover them with white poster board or something, you can get burn spots from the foil.