Human Light Mover (HLM)


Well-Known Member
so I have this Idea of moving a light fixture within the tent from one side to another; lets say keeping it for half a day closer to the right side of the tent and then moving it for the rest of the day closer to the left side. so i takes one visit a day, at around the middle of it. Anybody ever tried something like this?..



Well-Known Member
I was thinking towards sliding move, but just once a day, a little bit mimicking the sun.
I know pendulum style, just connect Your fixture to oscilating fan. By using combination of levers you can get different movments and better coverage.


Well-Known Member
human light mover would work but obviously when the light is on the right the left hand side is going to suffer less light ...... a true light mover moves from left to right slowly over the course of your lights on period, hitting plants with light from all angles ...

Your idea would work fine but i dont know how productive it would be


Well-Known Member
what about a Old style remote controlled Car or something like that, and a Light Timer? work out how long you need to provide Power to the Motor in order to move the light 1/16th of the intended circle then after timing with a Stopwatch you know how long is needed Power wise to move Light so far..then Just set multiple on/offs till one full circle complete.


EDIT: 1 idea My Partner and I had(when I was using more CFL NOT Hps) was having multiple CFL in a circle and having each one on a Timer come On/Off then the next 1 come On/Off going round and round...

Just an Idea??

Link to Old? Thread on RIU...I like the "Putting Plants on a Turntable device and moving the Plants round"
