human multivitamins good for plants??


Active Member
so if i crust up a adult human multivitamin and mix it in the water and water some floweirng plants will this be good for them


Well-Known Member
Every cannabis plant should be treated like humans.
I make my own seeds. Use my semen mixed with cannabis pollen. I get fat cola's!

With all joking aside. I wouldnt waste the money on multivitamins designed for human consumption.

Get some super-thrive or additives with vitamins THAT are already proven to work for plants. You know, instead of crushing pills.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
While a multivitamin won't be good for your plants, there are quite a few nutrients that both humans and plants make use of.

What Type of Vitamins Affect Plant Growth? By Keith Dooley

Plants make vitamin C on their own and need it to survive. Studies at universities and research facilities, such as University of Exeter and California State, show that some added vitamins help plants improve their growth. It has also been shown that plants create their own vitamins. More research is ongoing, but a few vitamins are proven needed or helpful.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed for plant growth. An enzyme in plants produces vitamin C. A recent study by scientists at both The University of Exeter and Shimane University has proven that plants cannot grow at all without vitamin C. Plants use vitamin C to combat stress from uncontrollable weather conditions such as drought and UV radiation.

Vitamin B

According to researchers at Advanced Nutrients and master gardeners, Vitamin B is known to help plants grow stronger and larger than their normal size and strength. B5 is needed for overall growth, and without it, plants grow slowly or not at all. B1, Thiamine, helps create energy, which in turn increases growth and flower production. B1 also aids root strength and keeps the plant from getting shocked by damage or transplanting.

Vitamin D

The addition of vitamin D has been shown to improve plant growth, but is not needed for healthy plants. This was demonstrated by a student study at California State University. Vitamin D can be obtained through simple sunlight, which plants normally get on a regular basis. Adding vitamin D increases these levels. Why it improves growth is not know, but experiments have shown that it does.


well i just tried this method (sorta) for any one who is curious if it works i will be the guenie pig i guess. I used 1 kid vitamin and let it dissolve in a gallon of water to start. The vitamin was purple and made gallon of water slightly tinted before feeding her. I will be keeping a close eye on her to see if there are any negative reactions, if so i will flush it out. If it has positive reactions i will post up the exact product i used with its ingredients. this is my first grow, everything has been going great so far,


Well-Known Member
well i just tried this method (sorta) for any one who is curious if it works i will be the guenie pig i guess. I used 1 kid vitamin and let it dissolve in a gallon of water to start. The vitamin was purple and made gallon of water slightly tinted before feeding her. I will be keeping a close eye on her to see if there are any negative reactions, if so i will flush it out. If it has positive reactions i will post up the exact product i used with its ingredients. this is my first grow, everything has been going great so far,
I bet your plant will be stressed from the vitamin, and might even stunt it.


Active Member
well i just tried this method (sorta) for any one who is curious if it works i will be the guenie pig i guess. I used 1 kid vitamin and let it dissolve in a gallon of water to start. The vitamin was purple and made gallon of water slightly tinted before feeding her. I will be keeping a close eye on her to see if there are any negative reactions, if so i will flush it out. If it has positive reactions i will post up the exact product i used with its ingredients. this is my first grow, everything has been going great so far,
How did it go i want to use potassium gluconate at 99mg my leaves are small and twisting i used dolomite to bring acidity of the soil but ita only working alittle because there is no patassium.


Well-Known Member
I know it's a lil late, but I added 1/2 packet Emergen-C to approximately 500ml water and fed to what I diagnosed as early onset magnesium deficient 7wk vegling under 24hr LED lights and it perked up almost instantly. Did this twice 2 days apart with same perky results. The leaves got stronger and pointed with health, less curving and less affected by fan. The deficiency cleared up as well and vertical growth increased. Just looked really healthy. I only did that one time because of magnesium deficiency. I was looking for anything in my house that might have magnesium in it and happened to stumble on a pack of Emergen-C read the nutrition facts to find magnesium present.
I suspect the gaseous nature of the health powder when mixed with water had something to do with the plants recovery by some sort of airration of the roots as well as a flood of b-vitamins, and sugars to help with plant synthesis. I tried to mix the powder and water quickly and then water the plants as quickly as possible after to capitalize on the expanding reaction. Anyways, just a theory.