Human shit for fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
If this "Humanure" thing you posted is truly is also TRULY VERY least to me...

DUDE...that is just sick! I can't help but think you really did ask this Q to see what the results would be...I, myself had a couple of for THAT, anyway...

...other wise......sick, just sick, man.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
as i shit in 2 a bag and not out of my arsehole*(due 2 chrones disease) would my shit be any diffo as it dosent really have much time from food to bag.. litrally a hr of eating i can be emptying my shit!! iv always wondered about human waste as fertalizer , i mean they do say we evolved from apes..and im sure there shits sum gd shit 4 plants * :)
I'm just gonna ask this, so take it as a joke, or an honest inquiry about the validity of an idea, but... What if i did some research on the diets of common guano/manure-type animals, and adjusted my diet to include only things that they eat (after doing a very intensive detox/digestive system cleansing) for a period of time anywhere from a week to like 2 months ( I probably wouldn't want to go for long bouts of only eating that stuff... unless I find ways to make it filling and provided it doesn't hurt like a mother****er on the way out) and using the poo that i collect... maybe in one of those toilet things that just collect the poo, or something similar so i don't have to touch it or anything. then i'd maybe put some other useful compost-type things in with the poop (do you think worms would be alright in there?) and figure out what sort of possible ventilation has to be done to compost using that, and then leave it out on my buddy's ranch in BFE with some maybe air filter thing on top to help stop the crap smell anyways, and leave it for a month or two or three, til the smell goes away some (hopefully... i don't know if it actually will or not yet)... and then, it will have sat with the temperature high for long enough to kill anything bad, ideally. i think it would probably be a little bit too concentrated when it gets done though, so maybe test it's levels of certain elements, and mix some regular (no-nute) potting soil or perlite or ya know... something else that won't mess with the nutes, but add mass and drainage, if needed. I mean, i know it's still really gross, but I heard one time that the best things you can put into your weed come from you, and I have wondered about the meaning of that. I read today that human saliva has healing/growth hormones that help heal cuts, and i wondered if maybe we should spit on our plants too to boost growth or maybe help revive them, and urea is commonly used in nutrients, right? along with bone, and blood... I mean... should we be growing weed on cemeteries? lol... just kidding about the cemeteries, but really. how does my idea sound?


Well-Known Member
dude you sound like... you have a handicap....
first of all, if you left your shit in the hot sun to "kill the bad bacteria" then you are sorely mistaken.
the bacteria in our shit thrives in hot, humid temperatures... you will just be making a biological hazard..
human waste is a BIOLOGICAL HAZARD!!!!
so stop obsessing over your shit and just give the poor plants normal plant food...........