Ursus marijanus
something else i don't understand is how, in a time where grown civil men still regularly challenge each other to fisticuffs over women and possessions, can we try to hold ourselves to some sort of fancy standard because we are "intellectual beings"? do slackjawed cretins not represent the same "us"? what makes emulating the guy in the argyle vest better than being like the guy with the sharpened pool cue?
I'd say the key is to remember that we are sapient animals. We are both: sapient and animals. Our "better nature" is a difficult and daily choice. If we keep that better nature honest and admit to the animals that we are, the only difference between the argyle vest and the sharpened pool cue is choice of weapon. One is suitable when writing vitriolic letters to the editor. The other is the go-to choice in a barroom. Either is the quest for the win.
Only by admitting to my capacity for monstrosity can I have meaningful compassion for the other monster.
Do not mistake compassion for approval. I would seek to punish Ariel, but there but for the grace of circumstance go I.