Human Urine

That's right I said it (Human Urine). I have used my own urine diluted with water for the past 2 years in my vegtable garden and I have had good results. So I thoght that I would go ahead and do the same for my cannabis. Let me tell all of you nay sayers right now. Human urine is sterile. Its safe. It is loaded with nitrogen and potassium. Its organic and won't burn ( must be diluted). Its free. And before you even reply with a negative feed back. Google this (Human Urine As Fertilizer) and see all the scientific info and studies that are out there. Go on youtube and search human urine as fertilizer. Watch all the cool videos of good info before you even think about posting eeewww gross. And if you still have some negative feed back then your stuck in a box and not that intellecual
ive been hearing more about this. could be nice experiment for long run savings, but it would probably save you hassle to just get some nutes from the hydro store. hope it works out!
I dilute with a 10 to 1 ratio. Well I really don't measure I just pee in a 1 gallon pot then almost fill with water. And about the experiments you don't have to do them. They have already been done. And yes I have good nutes that I buy and I use them on my vegtable garden along with urine and I am doing the same with my girls. I must say when I came home today they really perked up a bit and the buds had a growth spurt. Tomorrow I am going to have 2 multi vitamins and a quart of green tea and give them some super pee with trace minerals.


i use my poo to fertilize the soil and urine for foliar spray, works great!
LOL, good one! I have 2 kids still in diapers and rather than throw out, I just open the dirty diapers up and lay them out flat around my girls. Another good thing is once the pee diapers dry out, I can reuse them. ;)


Well-Known Member
I've pissed around outdoor plants to keep the deer and other wild animals from enjoying my plants, guess I was killing two birds with one stone
See they you guys go with making uneducated jokes. I said nothing of using feces. allthough you can use feces as fertilizer. It must be treated with chemicals at at a plant and heated. Yes there is commercial fertilizer being made from sewage at your local water treatment facility. Now enough with the wize cracks and google human urine as fertilizer and see for yourself all the good benefits of using pee.
Peeing directly on a plant might burn them. You should always dilute. Oh and some more advice. Urine won't work in a dwc. Because after a few days the urine turn into ammonnia. The only way to use it in a dwc is to add compost tea or worm casting to the dwc so the microbes can break down the ammonia into ammino acids.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
I am all about applying a special urea nitrate solution to my Compost Pile.... but not as excited about using it directly on the plants, especially indoors.

People who are shy or afraid of applying the ideal compost starting formulae can buy "compost starter" at the garden center. One consists mostly of granular Urea Nitrate, and the other kind is Kelp granules.

kether noir

Well-Known Member
i have read this on here before, if you cant buy real plant food then i guess bathe them in your waste. glad that its working for you. you add to that cat pee scent, eh?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't suggest this for indoor gardens but it does work great for outdoor. The urine collected has to be use within 24 hrs and it has to be diluted a minimum of 1:5 or it will become ammonia. If you really want to use feces you can do this also but you would have to collect it for a while and let the nitrogen break down in a compost mix with egg shells to help level the ph and give the mix better drainage.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
If you really want to use feces you can do this also but you would have to collect it for a while and let the nitrogen break down in a compost mix with egg shells to help level the ph and give the mix better drainage.
:? :shock: :o In Korea, I actually saw 2 farmers fighting over a bucket of Shit!!! We had an old school half a fiddy gallon drum outhouse on that particular site. Our Platoon Sgt. broke up the fight, and put an end to it. The 2 newest buck privates were given some diesel fuel, and a lighter... "Here you go young men, its exactly like that scene in Platoon... same way I did it in Vietnam .. except you don't get to smoke weed while you do it. Just imagine, and pretend I rolled you one and helped out with your special task.."