Humboldt Nutes


I'm gonna have 1 plant for my first grow and want to use Humboldt nutrients. I'll use the Organic Grow and Bloom, and either White Widow or Humboldt roots. Is this enough for it or do I need the additives? I'm kinda poor so I can't afford all the other shit. Are these nutes a good choice for a beginner or should I go for fox farm or something?


Well-Known Member
Any basic 3 part nutrient will get you through a grow with decent results. A bloom booster, some carbs, and even some (good) bacteria in your roots will help things, but aren't outright necessary.


Kay, I also need to know how long the Fox farm Ocean Soil feed your plant. When should I start putting in the nutes?


humboldt nutes i like it and ive tried them all master A and B and grow and bloom are great all i use and brer rabbit mollasses at the end follow feeding schedule usually i feed water water go lightly on the young ones

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Don't start using nutrients until the third leaf set is present. Start slow, young plants don't need much. Just concentrate on building a healthy root zone, then you can push them harder. Technically, the Ocean Forest should feed your plant for the first 4 to 6 weeks but you can provide more food after a the roots are set and before the soil becomes barren.


That's why I'm goin to use the Humboldt Roots, I want a strong ass root system. Also, should I use their feeding charts?


That's why I'm goin to use the Humboldt Roots, I want a strong ass root system. Also, should I use their feeding charts?
Yes you should deffinetly follow their feeding charts as a starter, once you learn you strain try to make some adjustments as needed but i dont normally have anyproblems with their feedinf schedule. i run 6 different strains and they all run good with the master a&b full feeding schedule(w/ all additives).the ph adjust its self after 24 - 36 hrs
and i have tried GH,Bcuzz,Advanced nutes, and fox farm and humboldt master a&b is by far the better, and cheaper nutes on the market. The master a&B line up runs better then the advance connoisseur a&b and way cheaper and concentrated.In my eyes the Humoldt master A&B is the best nutes on the martket and if someone disagrees they prolly haven't ran both side by side like I have.


Well-Known Member
Call this nute company and ask them specific questions about their nutrients. The 2 minute conversation that you'll have should show you that your money should be spent elsewhere.


Active Member
thanks bro your question was xactly what i need to know. i use the grow 2.5ml/gal watering with that every other watering so far. i am just a noob but i post hella pics, compare your girls to mine. i also add sensizyme root stuff once a week, dont know much about it though. rep