Humboldt Seed Organisation, anyone try their seeds?

I'd describe the smell as what I would imagine BlackBerry soda to smell like.

It's a classic hybrid stone. Hits your head then an hour later you don't feel much like getting off your arse.

Tastes good as well? They [HSO] say that Blackberry was used to make the Black D.O.G., and it has a strong fruity-ish smell. I should be able to sample it by tomorrow, and I expect to be impressed.

Glad I didn't buy those beans, looks completely different than I had imagined. I was thinking it's more like their 707 Headband but darker colors.

Conversely, I couldn't be happier [so far] with how it turned out - very much like the description. I dig it when that happens, which isn't often.
It tastes good after a good cure. Some strains taste good dry (better when cured of course) but Blackberry needs a good cure before that fruity taste comes through.

It's delicious but poor planning has it as my only smoking option for at least the next 2 weeks.
Bubba's Gift day 36
So I know I previously said that the Blue Dream wasn't my kind of high.....I totally change that statement...after some solid time in the jar I have to say the high is a pretty solid creeper..took 15 minutes alone for this post...a slight ocular effect have to actually stare at something pretty hard to get it to focus
The DOG was pretty damn good. I kept 2 dif phenos. One has the black cherry soda smell and taste and the other has more of an earthy OG taste and smell. The soda one didn't go as purple as the other. Both were low to medium yielders of very good bud. They both clone easily within 2 weeks. Both finished in 7 weeks but could have gone 1 more if I wanted to.
Had some hso in the vault from last year....just put down 2 bluedream/true og, 1 hso blackberry/true og and 1 alien og/true og......excited for these, haven't ran any of them except the bluedream/true og and it gave me a monster diesel fuel bitch...that gave me 5 zips on a 35 day veg in 5 gallon homer bucket