Humboldt14 2014 Outdoor Grow

lol ok man, u need to read a book lol

let me give u a couple points for u too look into.
1. sinsimilla, this is a term u r familiar with? SINSIMILLA= WITH OUT SEED. geuss what, orignates from mexican GANJA farmers GOOGLE IT
2. u really dont think generation of farmers are native to califonria do u? bcuz if so, then i see why u r thinking like this, BEST ADVISE I CAN GIVE U IS TO LOOK INTO THE PEOPLE THAT LIVED IN THIS SOIL LONG BEFORE CALIFORNIA BECAME A STATE. i said bean squash and corn because these are indeginous plants THAT FEED THE WORLD and where developed by INDEGINOUS/AZTLAN growers, therefore, THESE GROWERS U SPEAK OF, THEY GOT THEIR TECHNIQUE FROM MEXICANS/INDEGINOUS/AZTLAN PEOPLE.

lol btw i highly dont u dont eat corn, corn has become a GMO mono culture food that has been patent by corporations that feed un educated people like your self, wtv u r about to eat, look at the ingrediants

Sinsimilla is Spanish and spanish is not from mexico. saying sinsimilla is just a language for saying with out seed. im sure many other languages have there own saying also.

The humboldt generation of farmers have been farming before they new of mexicans/indeginous/aztlan.
being honest i hardly ever eat corn.
The USA has a long history of cannabis use before California and Humboldt

Early classifications

Relative size of varieties ofCannabis
The Cannabis genus was first classified using the "modern" system of taxonomic nomenclature by Carolus Linnaeus in 1753, who devised the system still in use for the naming of species.[37] He considered the genus to be monotypic, having just a single species that he named Cannabis sativa L. (L. stands for Linnaeus, and indicates the authority who first named the species). Linnaeus was familiar with European hemp, which was widely cultivated at the time. In 1785, noted evolutionary biologist Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck published a description of a second species ofCannabis, which he named Cannabis indica Lam.[38] Lamarck based his description of the newly named species on plant specimens collected in India. He described C. indica as having poorer fiber quality than C. sativa, but greater utility as an inebriant. Additional Cannabis species were proposed in the 19th century, including strains from China and Vietnam (Indo-China) assigned the names Cannabis chinensis Delile, andCannabis gigantea Delile ex Vilmorin.[39] However, many taxonomists found these putative species difficult to distinguish. In the early 20th century, the single-species concept was still widely accepted, except in the Soviet Union where Cannabis continued to be the subject of active taxonomic study. The name Cannabis indica was listed in various Pharmacopoeias, and was widely used to designate Cannabis suitable for the manufacture
Boo internet wars! Yay growing weed! Humboldt, tell us where all the good genetics are at up there? I don't give a fuck about the history of cannabis, I just wanna grow what's dank right now!

Oh, but in speaking of Mexico, an acquaintance of mine used to sneak weed over the border INTO Mexico from California, and the rich kids would buy "Cali buds" for $25/g, which I thought was insane. The stigma of Cali buds is like Dutch buds, but I think world wide we are largely being viewed as the new Amsterdam, with the world's finest cannabis. Whether or not that's true, within our own country, Cali has more high quality cannabis available at any given time than any other state.
Im assuming ur talking about commercial weed PROBALEY grown in mexico ( would argue its coming from Canada)
Sure u MAY grow better then THEM,

but keep in mind where all these techniques came from, im talking about indeginous/aztlan true organic permaculture growing methods that date back much before u or ur families humbolt times. Sorry had to drop a bit of knowledge, nice grow.

Sinsimilla <-----without seed in SPANISH

you can't teach me shit. and what technics??? How to grow shitty weed in Mexico. LoL you don't know what your talking about technics and mexico in the same sentence. and coming from Canada? what the fuck are talking about.

and the difference between you and I is

you learned to grow from the internet.

I did not..........
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Boo internet wars! Yay growing weed! Humboldt, tell us where all the good genetics are at up there? I don't give a fuck about the history of cannabis, I just wanna grow what's dank right now!

Oh, but in speaking of Mexico, an acquaintance of mine used to sneak weed over the border INTO Mexico from California, and the rich kids would buy "Cali buds" for $25/g, which I thought was insane. The stigma of Cali buds is like Dutch buds, but I think world wide we are largely being viewed as the new Amsterdam, with the world's finest cannabis. Whether or not that's true, within our own country, Cali has more high quality cannabis available at any given time than any other state.

thats interesting a cool.

lol ok man, u need to read a book lol

let me give u a couple points for u too look into.
1. sinsimilla, this is a term u r familiar with? SINSIMILLA= WITH OUT SEED. geuss what, orignates from mexican GANJA farmers GOOGLE IT
2. u really dont think generation of farmers are native to califonria do u? bcuz if so, then i see why u r thinking like this, BEST ADVISE I CAN GIVE U IS TO LOOK INTO THE PEOPLE THAT LIVED IN THIS SOIL LONG BEFORE CALIFORNIA BECAME A STATE. i said bean squash and corn because these are indeginous plants THAT FEED THE WORLD and where developed by INDEGINOUS/AZTLAN growers, therefore, THESE GROWERS U SPEAK OF, THEY GOT THEIR TECHNIQUE FROM MEXICANS/INDEGINOUS/AZTLAN PEOPLE.

lol btw i highly dont u dont eat corn, corn has become a GMO mono culture food that has been patent by corporations that feed un educated people like your self, wtv u r about to eat, look at the ingrediants


Boo internet wars! Yay growing weed! Humboldt, tell us where all the good genetics are at up there? I don't give a fuck about the history of cannabis, I just wanna grow what's dank right now!

Girl Scout right now is rulling the mountains seems like.

I picked a new strain call "JACK SKELTOR", don't know what the cross is (jack+????) and i only have one but the guy i got it from down in Hopland said its the next GSC (as far as popularity) and its super Dank and Funky I have been told.

So i guess time will tell.
i hardly eat corn, squash, or beans. Thanks for the info tho. but i do know California has been a major food suppler for many of the states here. Which bred many generations of farmers, that became cannabis growers and turned into what you see now, the Humboldt culture of cannabis farming.

Just weedies ?
every season is busy one. lol, as far as soil roots organic 707 is what i am going to use this season. it will be pricey because i need a 100yards and fertilizers will be Maxsea grow and bloom, bat guano, chicken/steer manour and a lot of love.

my child hood was a lot different then most.

Have you ever used super soil? or do you have better success mixing your own nutes? Also, how much space do you put between your plants
Girl Scout right now is rulling the mountains seems like.

I picked a new strain call "JACK SKELTOR", don't know what the cross is (jack+????) and i only have one but the guy i got it from down in Hopland said its the next GSC (as far as popularity) and its super Dank and Funky I have been told.

So i guess time will tell.
I just picked up some legit Girl Scout Cookies from a legit grower here on RIU, it needs to be brought back from the brink of death though, so it'll probably take 2 generations of clones to get her vigor back, fuckin' purple wood.

Jack Skeletor? Not Jack Skellington? Haven't heard of it, but I'm sure it's dank. I'm kind of glad this whole GSC fad is blowing over so soon, but I'm sad that I'm just now finally getting legit GSC and Cherry Pie cuts. Oh well, I just got to get the edge over on the next newest biggest thing. I'm hoping Trainwreck or Sour D makes a triumphant return!