Humbolt County's Nutrient Line


Well-Known Member
Anyone using this yet???? I heard it hasent even been through testing or some shit- so you dont really know how much feeding is required....

Anyone?? Im gonna look 4 a PIC...

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I've used all 3. Bushmaster..Gravity...Purple Maxx.

The BM will stop vertical growth and make very dense buds but it also lessens the trich production (can't keep up with the bud mass is my guess).
This shit hit yer plants HARD in nothing you've ever seen before. almost looks like mite damage on the fans...then they fall off. Soon after that..the buds that would have stretched and made colas go "golf ball" like..and everything gets chunky.

Gravity..may harden the bud a bit further. It seems to bring all the nutes into the plant...if you've ferted heavily along the way/prior to application/along with the product it can REALLY burn yer plants.

P Maxx...made may leaves turn colors but didn't affect the color of the bud. Again..this is like the rest of the products...easy to OD/burn the plant

I'm not using them anymore, fwiw.

bt dt

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Should also add...the Humboldt products are not fertilizers...they are kelp-based additives. No N-P-K listed anywhere...

Biobizz has been around awhile. GH bought em up a good 2+ years ago and have been trying to gain popularity with the formulas ever since.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
thanks fellas- good to know that someone is/has used that line- Im actually kinda interested in it but I still would like to get more feedback on them.

anyone else have experience with these???