Humbolt Organic Nutes Users - How Long Do You Brew?


Well-Known Member
I'm using Humbolt Grow, Bloom, Equilibrium, and Honey for my plants in flower. I've been mixing and watering, but thought I'd start putting it in a bucket with an airstone for 24. The site does say to use 1/2 dose if making tea.

Just wondering how other Humbolt Organic growers brew, don't, and if there is a noticeable difference.



Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
What up bro, sooo I've never used your nutes before...but I've got some brewing experience... And Humboldt nutrients is kind enough to post their ingredients on their website.

Stuff like this...DERIVED FROM: Ammonium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Magnesium Phosphate, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Carbonate, Potassium Sulfate, Magnesium Carbonate, and Magnesium Sulfate.

So while I haven't used your nutes...I can tell you there is absolutely no reason to brew any of that.

Keeping a permanent pump in your resovior will give you oxygenated water (which is good) everytime you water but itll do nothing to a non organic bottled nutrient.

You need a bag of worm castings or compost and a bottle of Molasses. Then you can get to brewing.


Well-Known Member
Oopps. I didn't clarify. I'm growing indoors, in organic soil AND I'm using the Humbolt Natural line. Derived from fish and seaweeds and such. Check the site again. It def brews. I'm just wondering what the optimum brew time for it is. I've been doing 24 hours, but think I'll try 48 this week.
I'm pretty much all organic. (I fear using any "absolutes" like "all organic" on this site ;))
I have my own vermicomposter and work AACTs into my schedule, but I'm still scaling up to an
in-house sustained, ROLs operation. There's a plan, but I'm not there yet.

Humbolt Natural Grow
DERIVED FROM: Ocean Fish, Soy Protein, Seaweed Extract, Yucca Extract, Magnesium Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Soft Rock Phosphate and Cane Molasses.
Alright, the Epson Salt (magnesium sulfate) and Zinc Oxide aren't organic.
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Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Oopps. I didn't clarify. I'm growing indoors, in organic soil AND I'm using the Humbolt Natural line. Derived from fish and seaweeds and such. Check the site again. It def brews. I'm just wondering what the optimum brew time for it is. I've been doing 24 hours, but think I'll try 48 this week.
I'm pretty much all organic. (I fear using any "absolutes" like "all organic" on this site ;))
I have my own vermicomposter and work AACTs into my schedule, but I'm still scaling up to an
in-house sustained, ROLs operation. There's a plan, but I'm not there yet.

Humbolt Natural Grow
DERIVED FROM: Ocean Fish, Soy Protein, Seaweed Extract, Yucca Extract, Magnesium Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Soft Rock Phosphate and Cane Molasses.
Alright, the Epson Salt (magnesium sulfate) and Zinc Oxide aren't organic.
Magnesium sulfate is organic as far as I know, at least organic gardeners embrace the use of it. I don't know about zinc oxide.

But again man...that product isn't gonna be altered by adding oxygen either... If an organic product is bottled, it is typically fermented so that anything active in it is dead (or else the product would go bad on the shelf).

The point of teas is to add oxygen (through an air pump) and carbohydrates to feed the microbe population.

The initial microbe population comes from compost, worm castings, or various manures.

All the things you listed in that bottle would feed the microbe population in a tea...if they were on their own as raw ingredients and not fermented together into a singular formula. And you would still need to have compost.

With the zucca extract in their though I'm sure it foams up like a mother fucker. But foam is microbe life. That shit is just bubbly like dish soap.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty much all organic. (I fear using any "absolutes" like "all organic" on this site ;))

Humbolt Natural Grow
DERIVED FROM: Ocean Fish, Soy Protein, Seaweed Extract, Yucca Extract, Magnesium Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Soft Rock Phosphate and Cane Molasses.
Alright, the Epson Salt (magnesium sulfate) and Zinc Oxide aren't organic.
Tell me what all the extracts are extracted with, what the ingredients are preserved with and you've told me why this line ISNT organic.

If I poured this nutrient on to my rhizoshpere after a tea (or not) my microbes wouldnt like it. Since you're already making tea's and looking to go the ROLS route why not make up some nutrient tea's and start building your soil?

OMRI only require the bulk of the product being tested to be 70% organic, Which makes no sense..