Humic / fulvic acid, anyone experimented?

Id be really interested to know what products youve stuck?
it seems like you’ve literally experimented with everything.
After a while I think everyone try all these different products and most people end up cutting out all the additives and just use A&B along with bit of silica and enzymes,
Those are really the only three things Ive found make a difference from my experiments.
Foliar feeding also be a really important one to keep the plants healthy throughout.

Do you mean what products have I stuck with? None. You don't need all these products to grow good weed. You can grow just as good of weed without as you can with. I see people using all kinds of stuff that's supposed to do this or that. Increase X or Y, etc... I see their plants and I'm doing better without any of that stuff.

Indoors in coco I just use an easy inexpensive nutrient. MaxiBloom, Jacks, etc... No additives just the basic base nutrient whether it's 1,2,or 3 part. Outdoors I just make my own fertilizer from plant material and collect my own microbes. The only reason I buy any fertilizer is because the organic stuff I make is stinky and I don't want to use it indoors as it's more for soil and all my soil is natural and full of bugs and stuff. It stays outside. I do a nice clean sterile indoor grow with just some simple no frills water soluble nutrients.
Even though they are similar, humic and fulvic acids are also quite different. Plants can't absorb humic acids directly the way they can fulvics. One of the best things about fulvic acid is that it's an organic chelator, so growers can generally reduce their feed EC, as fulvic makes the nutrients more available to plants. I don't generally use humics in my hydro, but I always use fulvic. I think it makes a huge difference, and also allows me to be sloppy with my ph if I like.

What do you mean when you say fulvic acid "allows me to be sloppy with my ph if I like"?

Does it make nutrients available to plants in high ph (alkaline) solutions?
Want to replace my supply. Thing is this 13 dollar jar costs 40 to ship.

Show me some replacements, I don't see much online, and even less with a true label or description
I ran Ful-Power by BioAg for a few runs and since cutting it out have not noticed anything notable. It might help but it doesn't change numbers or anything for me personally in coco drain to waste. I literally do what a lot of guys on here have preached for years, RO + Potassium Silicate + MaxiBloom. lol
Outdoors I just make my own fertilizer from plant material and collect my own microbes. The only reason I buy any fertilizer is because the organic stuff I make is stinky and I don't want to use it indoors as it's more for soil and all my soil is natural and full of bugs and stuff. It stays outside. I do a nice clean sterile indoor grow with just some simple no frills water soluble nutrients.
That's the most sensible thing I've read on RIU today.

I'm an outdoor only grower, all homemade organic ferts and ferments, and microbe and bug life everywhere. In my house they call me 'the stinky water guy'.