Well-Known Member
Id be really interested to know what products youve stuck?
it seems like you’ve literally experimented with everything.
After a while I think everyone try all these different products and most people end up cutting out all the additives and just use A&B along with bit of silica and enzymes,
Those are really the only three things Ive found make a difference from my experiments.
Foliar feeding also be a really important one to keep the plants healthy throughout.
Do you mean what products have I stuck with? None. You don't need all these products to grow good weed. You can grow just as good of weed without as you can with. I see people using all kinds of stuff that's supposed to do this or that. Increase X or Y, etc... I see their plants and I'm doing better without any of that stuff.
Indoors in coco I just use an easy inexpensive nutrient. MaxiBloom, Jacks, etc... No additives just the basic base nutrient whether it's 1,2,or 3 part. Outdoors I just make my own fertilizer from plant material and collect my own microbes. The only reason I buy any fertilizer is because the organic stuff I make is stinky and I don't want to use it indoors as it's more for soil and all my soil is natural and full of bugs and stuff. It stays outside. I do a nice clean sterile indoor grow with just some simple no frills water soluble nutrients.