humidity - anyway to lower it the cheapo way?


Well-Known Member
Im now in flowering and took out the humidifier as i know to lower it during flowering (around the 40 mark?)

Anyways, the humidity is still around 60-70...too high.

I went to purchase a de-humidifier, but they are quiet pricey and will also increase the heat in the tent (well im sure it would)

Is there any cheapo methods of lowering it?

Would a tray of rice work?

I noticed in a store they have special coat-hangers which have a pouch you take off the hanger and put in the microwave...this then goes back in the hanger and in with your clothes (or im my case the tent).

I dont know whats in this stuff and if it would mess about with my didnt buy it.

But yeah, i need some suggestions people...any ideas on how to lower the humidity cheaply and safely?


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
increase your ventilation turn the air over more often what is your rh in your house ? i have about 80rh out side so the ac drops it to 47%


Well-Known Member
the humidity seems to always change...thats the uk for you haha...sunny one day...rainey the next. i will measure the rh in the room and let you know.

i have a 6inch server rack fan always blowing into the grow tent...and i think its a 4inch (or was it 6?) exhaust fan on the carbon filter. The leaves look amazing...the temp is great...just sometimes the humidity can rise. I keep reading that i must get this down cause it could cause mold and ruin my full crop. fuuuuucknoooooo
I would suggest getting a de humidifier off craigslist for 10 bucks. They are out there. Mine's a hand me down from the 80's and does the job.


Well-Known Member
anybody used or know if the type of de humidifiers i posted up would be ok?

esp the cheapo ones you leave in teh room to drop the save the tent gettign any hotter. i dont know if they stuff they use would "taste" or ruin the crop?

any thoughts guy?


Well-Known Member
I read on another forum about using lots of rock salt? Just to leave it in and around the tent...its just to lower it enough until i get a proper solution. Im kinda swaying towards the cheap non electric models...but dont want to waste my money if they are shite.