Humidity at 35% temp 75 How can i raise my humidity?

You only need the variac unit if you're running a brushless motor, like a MaxFan. Most muffin fans have brushes and work on the cheap rheostat speed controllers. FWIW...
That may be true but I had a cheapo box-wave unit and I could not handle the irritating hummm. My variac feels like quality equipment and silent. Voltage gauge also a nice feature.
I just started learning about growing and I am having a couple issues.. So I have a 600w HPS and an exhaust fan connected to it taking the air out but I cant seem to get the humidity above 38% no matter what I do and I feel like the exhaust fan is just moving the air out so fast that it cant get any more humid.. The room is about 9 ft by 5 ft.. I put damp towels in their, 5 gallon buckets of water and it barely budged above 37%.. I have a $40 cool mist humidifier in there now and it is still just staying at 35%.... Anything I can do?

Old thread but to anyone reading..

Temps and RH are perfect. A lot of growers spend a lot of money to get the sweet spot at 75 degrees and 35% humidity.