Humidity domes


Well-Known Member
Ok, can someone please clarify as I don't seem to be the only one confused here. I have a propagation chamber with the oasis cubes that has a humidity dome and fluro light.

My seeds have spouted, some are around 2 weeks old. I staggered the planting and I have one hold out that hasn't sprung yet but I bet it will by the time I get home.

Is it bad to keep growing these seed sprouts in the humidity dome? My hubby is supposed to finish up my veg cabinet today so I can just take the dome off and put them in the veg cabinet tonight if that's best. Can someone explain why it is or isn't a good idea to grow out the seedlings under such a dome?

I have another thread asking about the moisture of my oasis cubes but I'll ask it here again now that I've got the pictures. My oasis cubes stay moist by me misting them and the humidity, are they getting water logged?



Well-Known Member
The dome helps with keeping them warm and humid. During cloning the plants thrive in higher humidity. Same for the veg state, maybe just a little lower humidity. But during flowering stage keep the humidity down to prevent mold.

Did that help?


Well-Known Member
Sort it IS ok to keep the baby seedlings in the humidity dome until they are ready to transfer to pots and put in veg? Can you tell why I am having a little bit of yellowing on the tips of some of the leaves?


Well-Known Member
Sort it IS ok to keep the baby seedlings in the humidity dome until they are ready to transfer to pots and put in veg?
No it's not OK IMHO, maybe if your dome had vents wide open, your asking for trouble from damping off fungus. Your probably getting yellowing from low light levels under the dome.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. The dome does have two vents on the top but they aren't real big. I'll get them moved into the veg cabinet with the better lighting this weekend. Some of them are still too small to transplant but I'll just stick the whole tray in the veg cab, how wet should those oasis cubes stay? Are we talking squishy wet or should those dry out between waterings as well?


Active Member
I agree those babies are suffering from lack of light. you can tell from the stems they seem to "reach" for the light
But First Of All

Do not remove them from the humidity dome. they have small weak root systems and the wet air inside the dome keeps them from drying out and growing at a snails pace. the vents on the top of the dome will work perfect, and if you need to lower the humidity even more! then just lift one side of the dome up and place an object under it such as a clothespin. make sure you whipe the water droplets off inside the dome with a paper a cheap 5$ temp/humidity moniter at walmart. you want to maintain a 70-80% relative humidity and 80 F temp if you can.

To fix your light issue. do not put them under any big high intensity light such as MH . Floros work perfect for marijuana babies . i see you have 1 floro tube? maybe 2 i can tell. you can add more tubes. or what i would do is get a CFL "compact florescent" check walmart. or i recommend
make sure the florescents are as close as possible to the dome. move them into your veg cabinet once they have a few sets of true leaves and an established root system.

Hmm i dont have any experiance with "oasis" cubes is that coco fiber? it looks like it holds water very well. soggy wet sounds bad to me i like the word Moist alot more just give the cube a light spray when you see the cube drying out to keep it moist. if you can hold a dry cube in one hand and a watered cube in the other you can tell if it needs or doesnt need water by the weight difference. if they arent drinking much water then those cubes will stay wet for a few days inside a humidity dome.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thats sorta what I did over the weekend-thanks for the advice. First off Friday night, I slanted the dome on the base to sort of acclimate them to less humidity and laid off the watering. They seemed ok and I let them be all weekend. This morning, Monday, I picked up a few of the oasis cubes (they are sort of like rockwell but they are already prewet) and some of them were SUPER dry. oops-from one extreme to the other! DUOH!

I did cull out one that was so weak when I picked up the cube, the stem broke in half. Luckily, it was just a bagseed. I thoroughly watered them and took them to my real grow area. Hubby just finished up our veg cabinet. We have 5 85watt CFL's in there and its bright as hell with the mylar! I left them in the try and put them about 15 inches or so under the CFL's. I have hubby checking them every couple of hours as he is home and I'm at the office. He said one of them, one that was yellowing, that the leaves are curling up a bit. I think I read somewhere about that being a magnesium deficiency but I can't image a little seedling only a couple of weeks old could have a mg def? So far, thats the only one that has the little leaves curled up, any ideas?

I figured I'd let them grow a bit in the veg cabinet under the CFL's until they grow a bit more and the stems get stronger before transplanting. The temp is holding steady right around 75 degrees in their new cabinet. We have several small fans but we didn't point the fans right at them yet as I don.t think they are strong enough for that but I have been sort of shaking them gently to try and get them to thicken up. Just called hubby and the RH is only 38% so I had him put the dome back on the plants but took the fluro tube lighting out and left the vents open. So now they are still in the oasis cubes, watered, the dome on but vented and under 5 85watt CFL's. At what point do I want to lower the humdity?

I really think I stunted some of them pretty good. With time and TLC, will they perk up? I know you can.'t really answer that but is it worth the wait to give them a few weeks and see how they do, I hate to waste money as some of them are good, expensive seeds. I don't want to start anymore because I need to stay within my 12 plant limit.


Active Member
Leaf curl is a sign of moisture stress. most likely because they got blasted with dry air and their root systems couldnt pull enough water in to replace the water that was getting transpired. yep just keep that humidity high and the curl should go away.... leaf curl could also be Overwatering or Underwatering. what they need is some B1 Vitamins i like the brand "Superthrive". mix some of that into their water and they will pull out of it and grow like no other.

Lighting sounds good
the book says Vegetative growth Relative Humidity should be 60-70% and Flowering should be 40-60% "or lower"
dont let any wind hit them when they are small it will knock them over and that is verrry bad
I wouldnt bend the stems either just leave them alone

they will perk up in a few weeks much sooner if you feed them those vitamins just keep there environment steady try not to let temperature and humidity go extreme


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your help! I did actually put some superthrive in my spray bottle two days ago and they are perking up a bit. Its hard to keep those oasis cubes moist over night. Most of the plants do show at least a couple of roots poking through the sides now but they are still pretty scrawny! I was thinking of potting them up this weekend in my FFOF and light warrior soil mix hoping that would help me stabilize the water situation. I plan on growing in 3 gallon pots, is it ok to put the little plants in that big of a pot right now? Does it make any sense to put them in 16oz dixie cups now and than once they get a little bigger, than go up to the 3 gallon pots?

I don't have any pictures right now as I'm at work but maybe tomorrow I can post some. I'm noticing that a couple of the seedlings, the upper part of the stems, just under the leaves are turning a purple color and another one is turning dark much lower down on the stem. Any idea's? Haven't given them anything except the ph water and just recently the minimum amount of superthrive mixed in. The humidity is running right around 50% and I'll add a plain pan of water in there to see if that helps boost the humidity a bit.


Well-Known Member
Do u guys know of anyone who has had success using grow plugs for seedlings? I'm also using a humidity dome at the moment. I have 8 seeds in the humidity dome and 2 of them are trying to push their way out. When exactly should I start giving them light. I have a 35 watt daylight cfl that I bought from walmart. Is that suffice for the seedlings? Or should I put them under my 400 watt mH?